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My Twilight Princess Impressions.

Well I was one of the lucky few to get a Wii and TP on launch date, as some of you know.  And so far all the games for the Wii, GS hasn't been very imaginative about.  The biggest shock, was probably TP to most of us.  Let me just say this now, there is no way in hell TP deserved an 8.8.  But that's over and it wont be changed.  Let GS think what they want to think *cough dumbass*  I'll admit this, when I first started playing TP, I did have my doubts.  Mainly because I was left handed and it was hard for me to use the pointer in my right hand.  Also, about the game its self.  When you first start it is not the most alluring game out there.  This made me have my doubts.  The controls were hard for me to get down at first, and the action wasn't the best.  But after about 2 hours, I finally had the controls down.  I came home from school the next day, hoping TP would show me that it could redeem its self, and it did.  As soon as I turned it on, it felt like a totally new game.  Right when I entered Forest Temple, the game immadietly got awesome.  The action got more intense, and I saw more of the classic stuff from OoT, like jumping gaps and shooting enemies with my slingshot.  I also have to say, Link looks great in this game.  Everything on him is so detailed and thought out.  The graphics were a lot better than I expected.  They are not the greatest but for the Wii, I thought they were pretty damn good.  One of the most important questions about the Wii is will it handle well?  And yes, you have so much control over Link.  It is very free roaming and easy to control.  And I just thought I might add, no you do not get tired from swinging the Wii mote.

Now about Wolf Link.  I don't think it is as fun as being regular Link, but it's still cool.  It is also very easy to control Wolf Link.  When you first enter the twilight, you are turned into a Wolf, aka "The beast with blue eyes."  Midna soon finds you locked away in a prision cell.  She knows you are helpless so she decides to help you in return for your loyality.  You can do some cool things when you are Wolf Link, but the main downside is you can not use the items you can when you are Link.  Also with that, the only way to turn back to a human is to collect these "tears" and put them in the Vessle of Light.  I dont know if it will remain this way for the whole game, but it has so far.  These tears have taken the form of bugs that you have to hunt and kill, it is very easy to kill them, but it takes a long time and gets annoying.  It is not a bad thing being Wolf Link, but I am always very happy when I turn back to human.

One more thing, the sound.  It does not deserve a 7 like Jeff said, but something more of a 9 I would say.  The only reason for this is the speaker on the Wii mote.  I did not expect the sound it emitted to be perfect, but it does get annoying sometimes.  When you roll into a wall, it makes this crappy smashing sound.  Some of the sounds are entertaning, but a lot of them aren't that great.  For that reason, I turned the sound of the Wii mote off.  Also about the no orchorstrated music, yes it is sad to not have much, but there is not reason you should lower the score for that reason.

So over all, TP is one of the greatest games I have ever played and I will be at it for hours and hours.  I still do not know if it can match the standards of OoT, but I will have to wait and find out.  So far, I would give the game a 9.8.  Based on GS scoring system, it would look a little like this.

Gameplay - 10

Graphics - 9

Sound - 9

Value - 10

Tilt/Reviewers Tilt - 10

I wrote a little practice review, and that all equals out to a 9.8.