I don't see a massive problem with the online pass issue. Sure, If you don;t know about the pass it can be infuriating. Like when I bought DCU and found out that it had an online pass for the initial activation. Later when I decided that I wasn't into the game when I tried to take it back to Gamestop, no dice because of said pass. The real problem will probably come from people wanting to rent before they buy, lets say that Black Ops 2 has an online pass. If someone wants to just try it out before they buy; they're stuck with the single player campaign, CoD is not know in this day for its story; just saying. So they probably get a mediocre experience anyway, and may not even buy the game. Not to mention that some game libraries are built on trade ins. I've consolidated my collection many a time just to be able to get that one release at the end of the year. Weather it was a gift to someone or I wanted a new game I was able to take my beaten games and get a new one. It's not the actual games having the pass that I have an issue with. It's what it will create. Places like GameStop, ya know shops that deal in used games, will probably face a decline in business after all this is said and done, though they may not, It depends on how well they adapt and whether or not people will be willing to pay the price of the used game as well as the price of an additional online pass. This isn't even the cancer killing gaming right now, DLC is.
I have about five games in my back log; Simply because I play alot of CoD and Dark Souls. I'll buy a game play it for a while then friends will start spamming party invites. Next thing ya know i'm back in CoD. Every time I try and get out they pull me back in. It's like I'm a reforming criminal.
To be honest, it isn't as bad as people make it out to be. Granted I'm a veteran as far as the souls games, but once you have a grasp on the mechanics you'll be fine. If you like dark RPGs this is at least worth a rental or a drop from GameFly. The truth of the matter is that the feel of the game is more imposing than the actual game itself. If you have a good aptitude for timing, parries can wreck nearly all of the enemies. Also there is now a wide DaS community with a wiki and walk through if you like that kind of thing. The majority of players also play it for the co-op which makes things a lot easier. The aspect of doing something repetitive hold true however. You can just help your fellow players until you think you're ready for a particular area. The game is certainly worth a play however and it feels very rewarding. If you needed any help, I would even be willing to do so. This is just too good a game to miss out on.
Well, back in the hay day of Crash I would have to say Crash, hands down. This was of course until the Re-dux and all of that. Pre-PS2 The franchise was great. Unfortunately, the second Naughty Dog dropped the title and sold it to universal the game quality just crumbled. So in crash's prime I vote crash. However the Mario games have always been if nothing else consistent. All the games were the same level of good to me; with the more recent additions being nigh epic. The fact remains however that back in the PS1 and 64 days, Crash was king.
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