It's kind of like Snow White and the Huntsman: It's a story that's been told a thousand times over, so they wanna reinvent it. Snow White leads an army while like wearing armor and fighting monsters and stuff! Everything needs to be all washed out and gritty!
The only problem is Star Wars still has plenty of good material and doesn't need to be reinvented. How did LA get so many games right in the early days (TIE, Dark Forces, hell even Shadows of the Empire) but these days we get angsty Jedi who can pull Star Destroyers from the sky and Gears style crap like this. "Bro, it'll be wicked sick!" Sigh.
Do I have to be the grumpy old guy and ask what the hell is this? The graphics look AMAZING, and that's fine and dandy, but this...this isn't Star Wars. Blood? Swearing? That music. Do we have to Dudebro EVERYTHING?
I'll be over here waiting on a remake of TIE Fighter. (Though they'll probably want to make that "edgy" and "gritty" too.)
Four games with the same engine and each one is slightly better than the one before it?! Well, knock me down with a feather! This and the "Tips and Hints" video have been super. "Breaking News! Gamers having difficulty determining best console! BioWare stuns all with decision to release Mass Effect 3 AFTER 2! Click here for our 6 page article on aiming down the sights in CoD: Black Ops!"
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