I'm addicted to Metal Gear Solid 3 online! It's crazy! I didn't like it at first, because I generally just dont like console based online shooters, especially FPS, but this has gotten amazingly fun. Because it's not an FPS. I'm still against console FPS games... There just isnt enough buttons for it to be efficient or fun, for me.
Anyhow, Im getting pretty good! I've been playing quite a bit lately, like an hour or two or three or four or more each night, hahaha. I think I'll make a new profile when I get really good, though, because I've done so badly so far on this one... I want to rank higher. Hehe.
I really like that you can use stealth and stuff when you're Sokolov in the online or a Colt S.A.A. when you're Ocelot. Thats really awesome, and Im really glad they put stuff like that in there. There are a lot of games out there that don't do things like that when it would be really easy to add them. And they added them WELL, too. I think that this is something Star Wars Battlefront II did poorly...
"I'm also addicted to boobies!" - Peter, Family Guy.
Haha, just kidding. It's just a funny quote. No offense to the ladies out there. ;)
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