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Hot Coffee

I'd just like to say **** you to the programmers at Rockstar who put this into the GTA: San Andreas. You are responsible for what is going on right now with the government wanting to regulate and censor video games. You should be fired if you havent been already.

Sigh. I just really wish that dumb stuff like this wasn't put into video games that actually jeopardize video games as we know them. Rockstar doesn't even ever really make any GOOD video games anyways, just mediocre and detailed ones. State of Emergency 3?! Please! Wow. I cant even believe they made a State of Emergency 2... Sad...

So maybe I'm being a bit too harsh.  All GTA games including and after get tired and old because they are all basically the same thing over and over.  How long can you play a game like that without any sort of direction or storyline?  I just don't get it.  Vice City and San Andreas are fairly entertaining in very small doses, but they arent good games in and of themselves.  The only reason that people like them is because they are free and open, and you can do whatever you want in them, allowing you to get out some aggression and stuff.  And it is because of these kinds of games that we are looking at being censored.  And if I had to choose between having censored games and mediocre games like these, who try to push the limits with their content to give it a gimmick, Id much rather have all good games uncensored.  Wouldn't you?