Now that year 2006 is coming to it's end, we start to look ahead to next year. Next-Gen is now Current-Gen and all the developers will start creating lots of goodies for the new systems. My list of items to have next year is...
1. "Too Human"(XB360)-I'm sure every ones knows the game i'm talking about. This is going to be one of the best if not THE best title of next year. From what i've read so far about this one, it will be a very impressive action/adventure game, with norse mythology built into the storyline. I'm a big fan of mythologies and conspiracies so this is definitely my cup of tea. From what is known so far about this game is that it will be a three part trilogy, where you play a cybernetic god Baldur. There is an ongoing battle which threatens the entire existance of mankind. As Baldur, the player is charged with defending the mankind from an onslaught of ancient machines bent on the eradication of all humans. The game will feature nonstop action with melee and and ranged firearm battles.
2. "Assassin's Creed" (XB360)-What can i say, I love these types of games. Even when i play Oblivion, i end up with some character, if not assassin, something similar. This game is being made by a team of developers that's responsible for one of my favorite series Splinter Cell, UbiSoft. This one will also be a trilogy from what i heard so far. The game is set in 1191 AD, during the Third Crusade. The Assassins, which were back then known as a highly secretive and highly mysterious cult Hashishin intend to stop the hostilities by suppressing both sides of the conflict. The player assumes the role of Altair, one of the members of this cult, to kill key members responsible for the ongoing conflict. What is rumored so far is that the game will link somehow to a present, or near-future events, but nothing yest is confirmed.
3. "Nintendo Wii"- Yes, i'm definitely planning on getting one next year. I never like buying a system when it's just released, because of some of the bugs that are overlooked when the company rushes to make the launch date. I will be purchasing this system somewhere during the summer along with Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess which was my favorite series during the super nintendo and nintendo 64 era.
So far these are my plans for the next year. They may ofcourse increase, these are only the top three. For the games mentioned, i will be putting up reviews after they are released for what i like to call "Careful Buyer's Guide 2007". It's a long shot, i know., but for anyone who is interested stay tuned when they are released.