Hey Everyone,
I was thinking about submitting an idea that I thought of a couple of years ago. Although I do not follow Pokemon anymore and not interested in it very much I still thought that maybe I would share my idea and submit it in the contest for developer for a day. This is the basic concept so let me know if i should continue or not even bother submitting it, Thanks.
Pokemon Adventures
By: Tiaginho4Life
Ever wondered what it would be like to have things go your way in a Pokemon game? Ever wondered what it would have been like if Ash had started with a Charmander or Squirtle instead of a Pikachu? Didn’t like the fact that Ash chose to keep Pikachu as is instead of evolving him into Raichu? Ever get bored of catching Pokemon the old fashion way and wanted to show some skill in catching that pesky little critter? Then now is your chance in this New-Style of the Pokemon gaming as you will go from town to town, person to person, gym to gym, and Pokemon to Pokemon on your journey to become a Pokemon Master.
The way you catch Pokemon will be a simple mini game in which I still haven't had a solid idea on yet but just like the GB series in a way that when interacted with a Pokemon you will go to a little battle sequence where you can attack and such.
The way the game is played is going to be much in the way that Zelda is played in where you will have to go from town to town and gym to gym and talk to people and completing tasks for them while continuing on with your main objective.
P.S. again, this is just an idea and please tell me if this idea already exists i would hate it if people thought im trying to steal an idea.
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