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Ticklethis275 Blog

Top Five Worst PS2 to PS3 sequals.

These are some of the PS2 games that got a terrible sequal on PS3.

5. Need For Speed: Most Wanted Undercover

More of a movie then a game, and worst a boring movie.

4. Battle Field: Bad Company

This game is notorius for having server problems and the single player is half done.


Many problems with this game, features broken, server problems.

2. Call of Duty 5

Yes, arguable. This game took everything good with CoD3 and 4 and made it too interactive and too much like the other games. Call of Duty 4 was a revolution in Call of Duty franchise.

1. Mercs 2

The worst sequal if not woste game for PS3. This game has so many problems. From annoying messages, to a blocked off map from a nuke, unrealisting explosions, no radiation from nukes, seemingly endless health (jumping from as high as possible and surviving).

Christmas List

These are the games that I would put on my Chirstmas list.

Playstation 3

Little Big Planet

Grand Theft Auto 4

Ressistance 2



Left 4 Dead




Wii Music

Two Homes Meet

Recently I got into Playstation Home (this would be USA version) I have played around on it for a week or so and I have learned a lot about it. It is very basic comparred to the ***. version. Today I downloaded *** version and there is a lot more area not a lot more things to do just area.

CoD5 owns

So y oqes I was one of the "n00b5" who bought CoD5 the day it came out. I didnt pre-order but the game basically is everything good about CoD4 and more

Spore: A mixed review until...

This week I bought Spore, When you first start the point is to eat. This is your objective until you reach Tribal Stage (My current stage) then it is to collect food and use it to build. Another Objective which gets you progress is to Attack/Ally another tribe. Then it is on to Civilization. (I will be there in about an hour). This game goes like this

Cell Stage: 7

Creature Stage 5-7 (later into creature stage 7)

Tribal Stage: 8

Civ. Stage: ?

Space Stage: ?

Behind Enemy Lines Chapter 2

Behind Enemy Lines

Chapter 2

Note: Sorry for the delay I bought a new computer.

This chapter starts like the last chapter did, we all gathered around a locker talking about things. This time we are missing Teehee and wonder where he is. "He's prolly sick" "Yeah". Later that day I happen to run into Teehee, he over slept.

We'll skip to 6th period as nothing has happened in the others. Sixth period starts normal (this is band **** I get my drum pad out. Warm Up. And the rest of the percusionist hang around and talk. Not many of them play video games. The occasional Halo and random game is talked about but we stick to a minimum.

There is though the same 1st 2nd and 5th Period WoW kid. We talk about how much we expect to get yelled at today. I bet high, I was way off. I "set up" in the wrong place and get a 5 min. lecture. After that me and the WoW kid talk about how I might go back into playing WoW, when my PS3 is broken.

I asked him how long it took him to get to 70 he says about a year. I stand shocked. He then tells me he didnt have mounts as they were not out yet. It now is time to leave.

7th period is the same old dragging end of the day period where no one pays attention. End of the day and end of the chapter.

Chapter 1 of Life Behind Enemy Lines

Life Behind Enemy Lines

Life as a Playstation 3 owner in a 360 dominated community

Chapter 1

3 AM in the morning there are four of us in the room, me, my two brothers, and our friend. Our friend who we'll call Teehee (for that is PART of his PSN) and me Tickle (Part of my PSN) is laughing at a headshot I had on MGO. We are the majority of kids in our community who have PS3. There are only two others not there. We gather online almost everyday after school to play online (Teehee at his house, me at mine). Teehee plays CoD4 and we play MGO (recently LBP Beta). We make up about 1% of the total number of gamers in out community. The rest are 360 boys. They seem to number in the thousands. Lucky for us we are all closely knit.

The game starts with us all in Tickle, Teehee, Boyz, Fizzle, SamBad, and Crazy Steve. We are know as AC!D and are a group of locals (excluding Steve and Fizzle). AC!D spans a couple of games like CoD4, Warhawk, and soon SOCOM. We all play and fail epic on anything other than CoD.

At school we stand around Teehee and us, (me, and my brother) and we talk about stuff games, sports, and other random unimportant things. First period starts with a total of four 360 owners and one lonesome Playstation owner. Third Period (1-2 are the same **** is anywhere from 4-10 360 owners, this is my UA period.

Fourth period we get some slack with only three 360 owners and a kid who is in love with WoW.

Fifth period there are four 360 owners. This has the least amount of serious gamers. Most of them play 1 hour a week.

Seventh Period, this is the big one. I sit next to Ray a mild fanboy who has already pre-order CoD5. Me and him are best of friends I ask him about 360 things. Most of the time his answers are the following: You Playstation n00b (jokingly using noob) or my favorite, you poor poor Playstation owner. He then tells me about his GTA4 game with, Kenny, James, Evan, and him and how it was so "beast" as that is the word we use for cool in our gaming community. I laugh at his stories of the crappy connection.

The little big planet beta key!

So today after waiting forever i got a key and now after erm 30 min. of play i get kick off by my frekin brother and his d**** friend who can like own at Madden oh 8 (stupid buys one every year)

So i started and the begging is awesome love the whole play through title screen yeah its beast!

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