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Behind Enemy Lines Chapter 2

Behind Enemy Lines

Chapter 2

Note: Sorry for the delay I bought a new computer.

This chapter starts like the last chapter did, we all gathered around a locker talking about things. This time we are missing Teehee and wonder where he is. "He's prolly sick" "Yeah". Later that day I happen to run into Teehee, he over slept.

We'll skip to 6th period as nothing has happened in the others. Sixth period starts normal (this is band **** I get my drum pad out. Warm Up. And the rest of the percusionist hang around and talk. Not many of them play video games. The occasional Halo and random game is talked about but we stick to a minimum.

There is though the same 1st 2nd and 5th Period WoW kid. We talk about how much we expect to get yelled at today. I bet high, I was way off. I "set up" in the wrong place and get a 5 min. lecture. After that me and the WoW kid talk about how I might go back into playing WoW, when my PS3 is broken.

I asked him how long it took him to get to 70 he says about a year. I stand shocked. He then tells me he didnt have mounts as they were not out yet. It now is time to leave.

7th period is the same old dragging end of the day period where no one pays attention. End of the day and end of the chapter.