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Tidus1012 Blog

Back to the past- Legend of Dragoon



Hi pals, how you doing?

A week ago i bought Legend of Dragoon from the Playstation store, this game is one of my favorite games ever. I love eveything about it, story, music and gameplay. Here some stats:

Currently disk playing: 4

Playtime: 24 hrs

Party: Dart, Rose, Haschel

Stardust: 40 (Getting all of them let's you to fight against Faust, a super hard optional boss)

Also bought Hot Shots Golf 2, Okami Amaterasu Avatars and Naruto Storm 3 DLC.

I'm also interested in Spyro: Year of the Dragon, FF6, Persona 3 FES, Xenogears and Grandia.

Thanks for reading!!

Got some pretty good games, Blockbuster's Gamerush special offer.

Hi pals, how you doing?

There's a special offer on Blockbuster's Gamerush here in Mexico, I dunno if it's available in other countries. The thing it's that used games are at 2x1.5, the ones i got are the following, i'll also put how much they cost in mexican pesos (MP)  and in dollars (D).

1.- Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 (299 MP) (24 D)

2.- Enslaved: Odyssey to the West (Special offer/half price) (100 MP) (8 D)

3.- Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (349 MP) (28 D)

4.- Dark Souls (Special offer/half price) (150 MP) (12 D)


I love this, offer available until April 7.

Thanks for reading pals, see ya' around!

Pre-Ordered Naruto Storm 3

Hi plas, how you doing?

I just pre-ordered Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 in Blockbuster, comes with an exclusive poster and the Goku Costume dlc.

Just a few weeks until march 5th.

Heard that Story Mode will cover more than 50 hrs!! Super great!

Thanks for reading pals, see you around!

Death Note

Hi pals, how you doing?

In this moment i'm creating a DVD of Death Note, such an amazing anime, i got addicted to it since the first chapter, lol, i remember when i first saw it on Netflix, 3 on the morning, just fooling myself saying: "Just only one more chapter" lol, i saw the 37 chapters in 2 days.

So i decided to make this DVD, here are some tecnical stuff:

- Downloading chapters from Youtube using Atube Catcher (Already done)

- Downloading images and music for the DVD customization

- Going to use the program DVDFab 8

- Converting videos to MP4 using Atube Catcher (PS Portable output format) (Overall video size for .WMV format is 120-200 MB, PSP format around 80-130 MB) The entire Serie in only 1 DVD

It's going to be completed by tomorrow, also i'm planning to make another DVD of Evangelion.

Thanks for reading pals, see ya' around!

Awesome Naruto Storm 3 updates!!

Fresh new updates:







You can check some scans in saiyanisland.com

Thanks for reading pals!!

My Ps3 Game Collection

Hi pals, just to share with all of you my game collection, maybe not too shaby but i'm proud of it!!



- Bayonetta (Paltinum Trophy)

- Blades of time

- Call of Duty: Black Ops

- Devil May Cry 4

- Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice (Paltinum Trophy)

- Dragon Ball Raging Blast 2 (Paltinum Trophy)

- Eternal Sonata

- Final Fantasy XIII (Paltinum Trophy)

- Final Fantasy XIII-2 (Paltinum Trophy)

- God of War 3 (Paltinum Trophy)

- Gran Turismo 5

- Guitar Hero 3

- Guitar Hero: World Tour

- Guitar Hero 5

- Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock

- Heavy Rain

- InFAMOUS 2 (Paltinum Trophy)

- Knights Contract

- Last Rebellion (Paltinum Trophy)

- Lollipop Chainsaw

- Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

- Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations (Paltinum Trophy)

- Resident Evil 5 (Paltinum Trophy)

- Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City

- Silent Hill HD Collection

- Silent Hil: Homecoming

- Soulcalibur IV (Paltinum Trophy)

- Soulcalibur V

- Super Street fighter 4

- Star Ocean: The Last Hope -International-

- Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3

- White Knight Chronicles

PSN Games:

- Dead Nation (Paltinum Trophy)

- Little Big Planet

- Super Stardust HD

- WipeOut HD Fury

PS ONE Classics:

- Final Fantasy VII

- Final Fantasy VIII

- Final Fantasy IX

Well, that´s all for now pals, thanks for checking it out and for your comments!

See you around!

New games and Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 Update

Hi pals, a lot of time since my last blog, just a few words to make it quick:

Got some new games:

- Call of Duty: Black Ops

- Dragon Age II: Bioware Signature Edition

- Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City

- Super Street Fighter 4

For NS: UNS3, all the 9 jinchurukis confirmed playable!!! This game is really gonna be something, i´m looking forward for more updates!

Thanks for taking some of your time reading this, see you around pals!