Obviously this is a really old thread, but is this game still available? If so how do I get it? Do I need to buy the original game and then download the mod? Also, will it work for Win 7? Thanks for any help.
I don's see how it could be an ap glitch. I bought it off a reputable buyer on eBay. It's not a pirated copy. Everything (box insert, user guide, keyboard command card, and discs) is original. If no one here knows how I might remedy this, does anyone know where I might get help? I'm sure EA won't help.
It's gotta be a glitch. I run Win 7. I download some patch that makes it compatible, but it's screwed up. I hauled ass on medium difficulty to get to Elrond. I finally made it to the cut scene where Elrond and Gloin say the goblins are invading from the north. Once the scene ends I can't take but a few steps before everyone dies and the building of Rivendell crumble. This sucks!
So I finally got my hands on the PC version of this game and am pulling my hair out trying to get past the first Good Campaign mission. For some reason, Glorfindel (and the elves) keep dying before I can get to Elrond. About the farthest they've made it is just past the small pond after passing thru the gate to Rivendell. It happens at every difficulty level. I don't recall having this problem way back when I played this on 360. Any ideas? Glitch? Thanks for any help.
I was wondering if someone could help me with a question about this game. I played it some on my old 360 about 4 years ago and have an itch to play it again, but I sold my 360 some time back and don't have the time for another game console. I was thinking about getting it for PC, but good lord, I can't believe how much it is at eBay and Amazon. Is it in high demand after the release of the Hobbit? Also, if I ever were to come across a deal, how can I tell if my PC is powerful enough to run it? Thanks for any help.
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