But 40% more power 430more gflops, more rops, more cu less performing games
Tighaman's forum posts
Killzone, knack, iss, dc, come on this is Sony's first party games wheres the 40% power the extra 400Flops ,yall should be embarrassed for hyping that game so let me get this correct
DC no real car physics, closed road, no weather patch yet lack content 1080p 30fps still have AA problems and delayed a year
Forza No weather real car physics, closed road, lots of content, 1080p and Locked 60fps, AA problems and its a launch title.
Where did all the power go?
@tormentos: dude why are you always trying to argue. That is from guerilla own mouth .....exactly with not much AI needed in multiplayer we were able to achieve 60fps it had nothing to do with more enclosed levels lol.
Everyone knows devkits where late on the xbox side.
You keep talking about resolutions and gpu still not mentioning the low clocked high latency, low bandwidth cpu.
I said a long time ago that Sony didn't use any offloading or accelerators and that's what's going to be the down fall of the machine moving forward.
CAN'T upclock the cpu any more.
Never going to be able to fix the bandwidth problem to the cpu.
Ms on the other hand has plenty of offloading and accelerators on the xbox, from Shape, swizzle compressing/decomp., moving AI, and sky boxes to the cloud.
All you Cowboys do is talk a good game but when y'all don't know shit you come with slander and name calling, the ps4 is holding gaming back NO LET ME CORRECT MYSELF PEOPLE LIKE TORM IS HOLDING GAMING BACK, HELL YOU HOLDING THIS FORUM BACK. LOL and when that gpgpu kicks in lmao!! Really kick in? You don't know shit torm
@hoosier7: YOU HAVE TO HAVE THE CPU CYCLES TO USE THE GPU. I don't get what are yall talking about gpu 40% but not cpu cycles and cpu bw cpu comes first.
Dx11.0 has too much overhead and its not even workload for all cores. Dx12 will help xbox one very much.
You can laugh at the cloud all you want to but drivatars work titanfall work so they knew something.
Dx12=cpu optimization
Cloud cpu offloading AI in forza drivatars and titanfall bots and AI background and etc.
Obviously MS knows that the CPU is a bottleneck.
Like I said the ps4 is holding the industry back
@Chutebox: you always got something to say without saying nothing . What game ? Bf4? You don't need much cpu to run it unless you are using bots for some of the people online, the only reason killzone touched 60fps on multiplayer because it didn't need cpu for AI
So what game you talkin about ISS it was very low AI, destruction, low NPC count and still had unlocked framerate
I told yall that the ps4 was cpu bound there is not one cpu heavy game running on the system but cows gonna blame it on MS even though they know the xbox has cpu offloading to the cloud. This is Sony fault not Microsoft .
Im going to say it again ps4 will not have big games with lot's of stuff going on or great
WI at 1080p
@Krelian-co: and I dont give a **** about metacritic I have both games Im the consumer so whatever I say does matter so get off my nuts
@Krelian-co: I see you riding nutts today .........I'm sorry injustice is not better than KI don't matter what you say fanboy whatever you call it I give props where its due no matter what system its on.
This right here KING SLENDER on deck lol
but some notables Royal Rumble on SNES and WRESTLEMAINIA ARCADE EDITION
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