There is a way to get Windows XP on your PS3 and even op your PSP ... It's great and i don't know what made you think that the PS3 runs like a PC who is purchased 3 years ago ... 4 Processors (Quad Core) run Linux with 3.2 Ghz per core ... so quit talking ****
It's simple.... there is an additional periphal you can buy for 15 bucks i guess and you can put you're ps2 memory card in it and the adapter transfers it into the PS3's harddrive ;)
Consoles all the way. A friend of mine spent more as 1400 euros on a pc and he has an great PC, but he can't even match ps3 quality gamesbut did spent a lot more money. In 2 years tuime you need to spent another 1400 games so run them smoothly while the console is cheap and has an better average quality compared to pc games (only due to the fact that most of the people can't handle new games)
well i did play a lot on my psp but they stole it a long with 8 games. Since i don't have a big budget i only own 1 game right now and i've allready cleared it. But the psp is allwayz changing and there are some big updates going 2 come plus downloading stuff via the ps3 is great so if you are interested in these kind of features your psp will never ecer collect anymore dust
I like the suikoden series and i was asking the same thing. It is different from the versions which i played so i'm still wondering but here in the Netherlands the game is still 50 euro's so.
don't know if that source is reliable becuz the advertisment on gamespot shows that, that site shows info on the ps4 and xbox 720 LOL :P well it would be great if it was true
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