TintedChimes Blog
Exciting Times
by TintedChimes on Comments
Its E3 and everyone is busy in the game industry, I've been having a blast checking everything out on the forums, previews, news and events. This is a great time to be looking into the industry. The only weird thing is that most of the games look so similar, Haze, Infamous, Call of Duty 4, Stronghold and many others, most FPS look really similar. I was more interested in Mass Effect since it seems to have a decent story line. I miss the games that had an intricate story line and besides the gameplay, the plot development was driving me to finish the game. That's why I love the Max Payne series, it was definitely plot driven with great gameplay mechanics. I'm also totally excited about the casual games, I'm trying to convert my girlfriend and I'm slowly winning the fight with the Wii but I need more titles like Wii Academy and Sports. I want to get a DS but she said she won't touch the thing and thinks Nintendo dogs is just plain weird but really cute. Oh well, hopefully there will be a ton of casual games coming out for the Wii. I'm especially excited about the word and spelling one, I'm not sure if they'll have a Wii version but I know the DS version might convince my girlfriend into playing it.
I know no one is reading.
by TintedChimes on Comments
Why do we procrastinate? I have a freaking midterm tomorrow and all I can think about is how to waste time. Everyone does this, do we work better under pressure cursing ourselves under our breathe as we frantically swill red bull and other energy drinks down our throats? I dunno, but I always procrastinate regardless of how much I studied before hand. With the internet, it just gets worst as Youtube can just suck away an endless amount of time. Its not like we don't know what's going on, we constantly look at the clock and count down the hours reminding ourselves we have to study, but we don't. My guess is because we're a bunch of self loathing students who doesn't want to acknowledge that we're not smart enough and subconsciously this makes us feel better if we do bad. Well, no more, I will start studying, NOW....well maybe after checking the news on-line. Procrastination prevails, as always.
I know no one is reading.
After the 4th.
by TintedChimes on Comments
I finally got a day off to play some video games. I quickly put in Starcraft for some defense games, ahh nostalgia. Too bad, my girlfriend complained and I had to study. Oh well, at least I can stare at my copy of Big Brain Academy and Resident Evil 4 for the Wii. The weird part is that my girlfriend hates it when I play video games but she doesn't mind if I watch someone else play, ie my roommate when he is on live snipping poor saps in Halo 2. Anyway, the 4th of July was cool. I love the PC on-line community because no matter how immature one is, they'll always revert back to the gameplay or just talk about nonsensical stuff. For example, someone was lagging and we all chimmed in, once that person got kicked out, we just talked about the 4th and how lame we were for playing video games instead of setting off fireworks. Instantly we complained about zoning laws that kept us from truly enjoying the 4th because none of us could set off fireworks in our city. We were discussing the merits and disadvantages and it was pretty intelligent and introspective, then someone did something stupid and we reverted back to five year olds complaining and swearing. At the heart of it, no matter how intelligent or old they are, we always revert back to name calling and the blame game. I love that about the PC on-line community because while there are a-holes everywhere, its the cool people or the interesting aspects of the community we tend to remember. I think we just block out all the crappy people, which kind of says something about our tolerance for dumb people.
Still waiting for Halo 3 so I can buy me a xbox360. Its freaking expensive to play video games as a hobby, while I can afford all three consoles I know they'll eventually drop in price and I'll get more bang for my buck. Then again, I can just play with my roommates.
I know no one is reading!
Halo 2
by TintedChimes on Comments
I hate Halo 2 and love it in so many ways, I just hate the fact that I keep getting beat not because of my skills but because of lag. I'm so sick of it, that's what happens whenever I move down in level, its due to the freaking lag. AHHHHH!!!!
PS I hate snipers because I find it boring and tedious.
Top 5 psp games.
by TintedChimes on Comments
5. Me and my katamari. Yes, I bashed the game in my review but the visceral feeling of rolling a clump of stuff was just too much for me not to recommend to people who wants stiff fingers. Yes, the game was repetitve, the controls were also odd, but I still played the heck out of it.
4. WTF. A great game that most people will hate, its basically a bunch of mini games and you don't even start out with all of them and get to choose only 4 at a time. Why is it so fun, because its mindless and easy, it has a twisted mundane sort of humor and there isn't another game like it on the PSP. Yes, you can get warioware for the advance, but hey, this is a PSP list.
3. Exit: What can I say, its freaking awesome and it has levels you can download too. I'm more towards the puzzle games beecause my girlfriend can play too. This one was challenging and fun.
2. Tekken Dark Ressurection: the controls aren't perfect but a game that looks this good can't be that bad. I wish they added the side scrolling tekken adventure but hey its pretty narly none the less.
1. Lumines: A launch game, luckily it didn't launch with the PSP or I would not have bought any game. If you have a PSP and don't have this game, then you owe it to yourself to get the best game for the PSP. Virtually flawless.
Honorable mention: Burnout legends because its the best racing game for the system but got boring after like 10 hours.
by TintedChimes on Comments
I hope there are other games besides the xbox360 coming out this winter. My roommate, he's the one that actually owns the 360, was even more pissed than me. Mainly because he bought the game, but he's downstairs playing Halo 2 with a bunch of our buddies. Too bad I have to study or we'll give the game another chance, but I doubt we'll change our minds.
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