Why do we procrastinate? I have a freaking midterm tomorrow and all I can think about is how to waste time. Everyone does this, do we work better under pressure cursing ourselves under our breathe as we frantically swill red bull and other energy drinks down our throats? I dunno, but I always procrastinate regardless of how much I studied before hand. With the internet, it just gets worst as Youtube can just suck away an endless amount of time. Its not like we don't know what's going on, we constantly look at the clock and count down the hours reminding ourselves we have to study, but we don't. My guess is because we're a bunch of self loathing students who doesn't want to acknowledge that we're not smart enough and subconsciously this makes us feel better if we do bad. Well, no more, I will start studying, NOW....well maybe after checking the news on-line. Procrastination prevails, as always.
I know no one is reading.