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Frightening Science! (and) Top Ten Sexiest Jobs

Your private thoughts may not be so private. Scientists from Japan and the United States have figured out how to read a person's mind by remotely measuring brain activity, extracting information of which the subject is not even aware. Science fiction? No. It's real. So far it's pretty rudimentary stuff in that the mind-reading machine can only identify visual patterns a volunteer can see or has chosen to look at. But the researchers are hopeful that the approach will eventually probe into a person's awareness, focus of attention, memory, and movement intention, report New Scientist and Scientific American.

Here's a simple way to boost your memory. If you want to sharpen your memory, attention span, and learning ability, do this one fun and surprising activity. 

This cutting-edge experiment was undertaken by Yukiyasu Kamitani, who is with the ATR Computational Neuroscience Laboratories in Kyoto, Japan, and Frank Tong from Princeton University. Volunteers were shown patterns of parallel lines in one of eight different variations. When Kamitani and Tong used functional MRI scanning to examine the brain regions that were used to perceive the patterns, they were able to recognize which variation the volunteer was viewing. New Scientist reports that each of the eight line variations corresponded to a different pattern of brain activity; interestingly, the patterns were different in each person.

Oh my! You won't believe what men do in private. Click to find out the surprising answer. 

Here's an eye-popping finding: When two sets of patterns were superimposed and the volunteers were told to focus on just one of them, the researchers were able to tell from the brain images which one they were looking at! One exciting application: Doctors could use it to find out if comatose patients are actually conscious. The study findings were published in the journal Nature Neuroscience.

(From Netscape)

I've been sort of afraid of this type of thing for a long time. It really freaks me out.

On a side, Coke is developing a vending machine that can send mesages directly into your brain when you walk by. It's such a terrible invasion.



Here's a Surprise! Top 10 'Sexiest' Jobs

It isn't money that makes your job sexy in the eyes of others. It's something far more powerful and awe-inspiring. When asked America Online users to name the sexiest jobs, the career that came in No. 1 was firefighters with 16 percent of the vote, beating out the likes of doctors, lawyers, and CEOS. Flight attendants came in second with 13 percent.

Find out the jobs that have the most prestige, as well as the surprising job listed at the bottom with almost no respect at all! 

Top 10 Sexiest Jobs:
1. Firefighter
2. Flight attendant
3. CEO
4. Reporter
5. Interior designer
6. Event planner
7. Nurse
8. Teacher
9. Doctor
10. Lawyer

If you do this ONE thing, you'll make more money. Click to find out what it is. 

Whether your job is "sexy" or not, are you satisfied with the work you have done when the day is finished? Only about half of Americans are satisfied with their jobs, down from 60 percent in 1995, according to a survey released by The Conference Board, a New York-based business research group, reports the Lafayette (Indiana) Journal and Courier. Of this 50 percent, only 14 percent are "very satisfied" with the work they do, down from 18 percent in 1995. The largest decline in job satisfaction is among workers ages 35 to 44, dropping from 51 percent in 1995 to 49 percent now.

This is surprising! Fully 71% of workers commit this indiscretion on the job. Click to find out what is--and if you do it. 

The job satisfaction formula: Michael Gartner, a Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial writer, once conducted a reporting and writing seminar at The Poynter Institute, a school for journalists, where he offered the 80-20 rule. As long as 80 percent of what you do is acceptable, you can probably tolerate the other 20 percent.

Here's the No. 1 tactic you should take during a job interview. Do this and it will boost your chances of getting hired.

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