I got a laptop yesterday. It is a Compaq Presario V20000z series (how many 0's...?) and it has an AMD Turion 64 processor and 512 MB of RAM and it has a DVD/CD burner and that's all I know! I had to learn that all to be an informed consumer... Sigh...
Anyway, it's lovely and pretty and all (I made sure I liked a pretty one...) and I stared at it for twenty minutes last night... It wasn't even turned on.
Also I've got about three-quarters of my iTunes library uploaded into it... However it has no internet connection (and I don't want one on that computer) and so every CD has to have the track names, artist, album, et cetera manually typed in, because it has no connection to the Music Store.
What this signifies is that I'll be around a little less (but still around) because I will be writing for real. I wrote like five pages last night. It's great to be able to do that without being distracted now.
Turns out Word has this cool feature where you hit the "Read" button and it changes the format so that the writing is shown as it would be if the pages were standard book size. So it's about two hundred and fifty words to a page, and they're smaller than usual. It turns out that my twenty-some-odd typed pages translate to about forty-five! So if I actually did somehow get myself published, it'd be about four hundred pages. Which is amazing.
A random name question... This is a strange name, but deal... It's a strange story, written by a strange girl who HAPPENS to like strange names. "Rene" (reborn) for one guy. I particularly like the meaning for this character, and what happens to him in the story... It's very appropriate. But also uncommon.
My auntie (who looks exactly like me, talks exactly like me, et cetera, even has a photographic memory like me, only she's taller AND thinner... X_X) is coming down from Chicago with her [fraternal] twin two-year-olds and six year old son (three boys!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!) and staying at my grandmother's house about forty minutes from home. My grandmother has no internet and no cable. So I shall be disconnected for the next week. Sorry, but I won't miss you, so don't care too much.
:P Don't take it personally. Don't hate me because I'm beautiful.
A friend and I spent five hours putting stamps and address stickers on our art teacher's gallery invitations. There were somewhere between eleven and twelve hundred. It made my back, shoulders, legs, and left arm hurt like hell. But I also got forty bucks for it..... So now I only owe $260 for my lappy (I only have to pay off $300!!! SPOILED!). We bonded over the fact that we both are really embarassed that we sing along to songs on the radio and sometimes there's notes that guys can hit that we can't (Aerosmith, for one...). It's embarassing. We have man-voices. However, this is not to imply that we sound like men when we talk. The sound itself is feminine and all, but the pitch is LOWLOW... Oh, well. I'd rather have a MAN-VOICE than not have vocal cords...
We listened to KISS for a while, on the radio, but the people there are absolute morons and they played one song three times over the space of an hour, so we switched it. That worked for a while, but it got staticy and soon enough it had merged with another station and we were mostly just hearing furniture commercials... So we went back to KISS and heard SINCE U BEEN GONE for the fifth time. All these songs sound the same... they really do.
I hate Kelly Clarkson's like "new style". She's just screaming into a mic. I can do that convincingly, with no voice lessons and a man-voice and all.