I watched Cardcaptor Sakura: The Sealed Card yesterday. It's the 2nd Sakura movie, and the closure to the anime series. Syaoran returns from Hong Kong four months after the end of the series, and sakura need to face her feelings for him, meanwhile, a sealed clow card (created by Clow Reed to provide balance to the energy of the other Clow Cards) is awaken, and threatens to erase everything and everyone. Great story and visuals make this a wonderful movie, that every Cardcaptor Sakura and Cardcaptors fan should watch.
Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness
I'm training Jolteon and Houndoom on Mt.Battle. Jolteon reached level 100 today and Houndoom is at level 92. I collected all of the Battle CDs and completed some Battle Bingo cards, I'm on the Expert level now.
Mega Man Zero 3
Finished 2, started 3. The story of the Dark Elf continues in this installment, with the Resistance and a new evil force each trying to capture it. I defeated one of the first bosses, an Ice bunny thingy, cool fight (get it, Ice boss, cool fight... *silence* <_< >_> )
Pokemon World
The level up system is back. I changed the look of our level tags from this
To this:
But it seems like nobody (except one of my friends) cares :(
I made some more TCG tags, here are two of them:
And new sprite tags, here are 3 of them:
All 8 of them were completely ignored :P
As a very intelligent individual once said. "There is no smoke without a Torkoal... or a smoking Aipom" >_>