@JustPlainLucas: I came up with a solution. Just add these two custom filters to your ad blocker:
@JustPlainLucas: I came up with a solution. Just add these two custom filters to your ad blocker:
Okay, so the 5 default stacks are "Games I've Played", "Games I've Finished", "Games I Own", "Games I want" and "Games I'm Playing". Default stacks can't be deleted, which is normal for some reason.
But there's a bug where if you rename any of the default stacks, after a while it'll automatically create new default stacks to replace the ones you renamed.
Now here's how this became a problem for me.
A long time ago, I renamed the 4 default stacks I didn't use to "Empty Stack", to avoid confusion. After a while, the bug happened, so I changed the name of the new stacks too, since I couldn't delete them. Then guess what, the bug happened again. Uh oh.
I'm sure you can see where I'm going with this. Eventually, I had to rename all of them to "scroll down" because there were so many undeletable stacks that you could no longer see the stack I was actually trying to showcase unless you scrolled all the way down. Ironic, I know.
Now my stack is almost on Page 2, so... yeah. Here a link to my Stacks.
This new font is way too condensed and bold-ish, it's very unpleasant to read. Also for some reason, I can't seem to use the Delete key anymore (not Backspace).
Strangely, the Top 10 titles (Overwatch) seem fine, but the article titles (Doom) are too condensed.
Yeah, I think this is happening to everyone. Windows 7 Chrome here. Someone should probably test on mobile too.
Why do these bugs keep happening, anyway?
Basically, I was trying to quickly edit a comment right after I posted it on an article. But when I clicked "Save Modifications", my comment kind of disappeared. My name and the "comment box" were still there, but the text was gone. I figured I simply went too fast, so I refreshed. My unedited comment came back, so I thought "okay, the edit just didn't work, I'll try again". But it just reverted back to the unedited comment again. At that point, I figured my comment was beyond saving, so I deleted it to post another one.
But then, the infamous "The CSRF token is invalid" error happened. You know the one. Posting stopped working entirely. So I tried everything. I changed the comment, I refreshed, I logged out and logged back in, I cleared my cache, I tried on another browser, but it's no use.
Worst part is, I can't post in other articles either right now.
But! This might help solve the issue. I don't know for sure, but I might have a lead. As I write this, it says this article has 3 comments, but only 2 are showing up. This is because the third one was my comment, which I deleted, but I believe it was not actually fully deleted, and now the server has no idea what to do and I'm stuck in a loop or something.
- Update: Turns out my lead may have been a red herring, because the post count (e.g. "6 comments") never goes down when a comment is deleted. I thought it had something to do with the CSRF bug, but probably not. You should still fix it though. I mean, someone could post a comment & delete it, repeatedly, and make the post count say "500 comments" even though there would be only like 3 comments showing up.
- Update 2: Okay, so... I can post comments on reviews and on this article for some reason (they were test comments so I deleted them after), but I still can't post/edit/upvote comments on this one or this one. So now I'm a bit lost. Some articles work, some don't.
- Update 3: So I looked up what a CSRF token is (genius, I know), and I think the problem is simply on GameSpot's end at this point. I tried to isolate the problem, but there's not much else I can do. The issue seems to lie too deep within the core of the comment system. Bring back LiveFyre? :O
I'm glad more people decided to complain about this new design. Seamless content is annoying enough, that use of pushState() is unforgivable... Never mess with a man's address bar! Each article is opened in a separate tab for a reason.
I'm also fairly sure Gamespot/CBS is going to be too stubborn to revert changes based on anything short of thousands of complaints, so here's Adblock Plus filters for anyone wanting to block the seamless content feature:
Thanks for this. The whole post, but especially the filters. I didn't have the JS line, so that's why it was still trying to load new articles as I was scrolling, messing up with my address bar and tab name constantly.
Only minor annoyance left is how we gotta click on a button to open up the comment section, but I guess I can live with that.
@Tiwill44: Is that plug-in friendly with Adblock Plus?
I think so, yeah. But I don't use ABP anymore, since uBlock is an ad blocker in the first place. Using the element picker to hide bad web design is just a bonus feature.
I was so happy when it appeared as if it was a failed idea that got scrapped.
This so much.
Fun fact: I'm using a plugin (uBlock Origin) to manually hide the extra articles and the list at the bottom of the page. That's how much I dislike this new article design.
There's still two things I can't fix though:
Basically, when I middle-click an article on the front page, all I want to see is the article itself, like this: (image) (it still looks like it was designed for mobile, but whatever)
NOT this mess: (image)
Like @elheber said, I suspect you guys came up with this system because it gives you super easy clicks and ad revenue for articles that we didn't even want to click on, which is honestly pretty shady. If I didn't have this handy plugin to at least make things look right, I would just leave until the next site redesign (which will inevitably happen, considering how buggy this is).
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