- ToadstoolPeach’s Activity
Sure, if the Mushroom Kingdom was a post apocalyptic genocidal dystopia
I'm glad they're using someone other than Hal, but there's a whole lot more to Alan than his sexual preference and I hope they don't make it the focal point of his character.
Ruined Star Trek, ruined Star Wars, and now going to ruin Superman. JJ, it's time to stop.
Looks like we can finally see John Cena; a bootlicker for Winnie the Pooh.
"Threw in the towel" would've been more apt.
I don't think it's much of a laughing matter considering the insane amount of crimes against humanity these politicians have perpetuated, the Obama Administration included.
@mcnichoj: At this rate, things might change.
Cool, is it right next to Frank's island which happens to be a stone's throw away from Epstein's? Hopefully it has plenty of things for him to sniff and a mountain of crack for Hunter.
Ah yes, the CCP owned NBA while they protest systematic racism in the United States, the "people's republic" is committing genocide of uighur muslims and using child slave labor to sell their product...
Got to pay for Bobby's 12th summer home! Priorities, man.
"I just had crippling body aches, I was very fatigued all the time, and I couldn’t concentrate on anything for more than about 12 minutes." Those adrenochrome withdrawals must be a bitch.
They'd be a shoe-in for the technical awards, but nobody at the academy is going to take those popcorn movies seriously when it comes to best picture or actor.
You'd think they'd have learned their lesson by this point. Just leave Terminator alone, it ended perfectly in T2.
I wouldn't even be interested in Diablo 4 made by current Blizzard. It seems all hope for the company lies in their old games.
I love Will Smith, but they need to stop treating him like an A-lister, he hasn't been one for well over a decade.
George Lucas is a good idea guy as long as he has people to reign him in. It's what made the OT so good, and the prequels a bit of a mess. By discarding all his ideas entirely though is really what...
I'm not sure Ian Flemming would agree if he were still alive. Look, there is plenty of room for growth in the 007 universe, James Bond isn't the only agent working for MI6 or who gets gadgets from Q...
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