my political cartoon thingy i told you about is almost done. but i won't tell you how. So eat me. My honor society thing was due today. i turned it in. aren't i good? thats right i am. my family is a bunch of lunies. yup, loonies. thats right, lonnnies. i wrote somthing stupid in my cousin's planner, in the qoob. isn't that funny? not really, but we thought it was. shut up. my cat is next to me right now. say hi......................................................................................................good. your hi saying needs a little work. punk. you should be punished. come here so i can slap you..........................................................................slap. are you going to do it again????????????????????????????????????????????????????......good. loonie.
till next time you loooonnnnie, 4/15/05
Zackary Chad Wideman the 1st