I don't see why they are focussing on the third punic war- it was basically a slaughter; the carthaginians never stood a chance (by that time their holdings had been reduced to only the city itself and the immediate surrounding countryside). Would have been much more interesting to see action on the part of Hannibal or Scipio
I have never been a pessimist, but battlefield is now exactly the same as call of duty. Red Orchestra 2 is really the only good shooter to come out within the past few years...
Anyone who's ridiculing this game dosn't know what they're talking about. Not only are there no WW2 shooters anymore, but there has never been a good tactical shooter centered around the pacific war. And this is not even in teh same genre as BF3. WTF would make someone compare the two?
Why oh why did they put in Dido instead of Hannibal? One of the greatest generals of all time was shelved in favor of some insignificant woman with a highly suggestive name.
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