Yeah the one thing Im sure of or at least really really hope for is that there is something, I cant believe after we die there is nothing
Tolietrees' forum posts
Perssonally I believe in reincarnation, I kinda think of the soul as if its an physical matter and as widely believed in science matter can neither be destroyed or created and that after my deathmy soul will be used to habit anougher being. Whats your opinions on the subject?
Uhm. As far as I know sloths don't have rubbery skin or fangs.
and sloths have black noses much like that of a dog and this thing does not
My faverites usually are the cross genras i.e. The which is a mix of FPS and debatably rpg thigns, and I also like the more americanrpgs like oblivion and fable
I also smell, i find if you read through the instructions with your nose close to the booklet the smell can last longer
Yeah i defenitatly found that having a gf impacted my gaming life, cus she wanted me to hang out and stuff with her. But now thats over lol
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