Gran Turismo - PS Premiere Event Trailer
Heavenly Sword - Legend of the Sword video
Heavenly Sword - Making of video
Ghost Rider - Blu-ray movie trailer
The Covenant - Blu-ray movie trailer
Tomabella's forum posts
Heavenly Sword - Legend of the Sword video
Heavenly Sword - Making of video
Ghost Rider - Blu-ray movie trailer
The Covenant - Blu-ray movie trailer
This was translated from the French (hence the poor translation) Playstation Site and was supposedly revealed by the community manager, but it may be true so here goes.
After the setting in line of superb (but short) the demonstration of Heavenly Sword, Elixor, Community Manager at SCEE, reveal us the contents (partial) forthcoming updates of PlayStation Store European for the two weeks to come.
And oh surprised, a demonstration will be again present, with Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 (the play must leave at the end of August). Force is to notge that Sony took account of your remarks, and endeavours from now on to propose demonstrations as often as possible to you.
Thursday 2 August:
[Demonstration] Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2
[Trailer] Trailer Ratchet and Clank
[Trailer] Lair Trailer
[Trailer] Trailer Juiced 2: Hot Nights Importation
. Innovations of Thursday 9 August:
[Play] PS1: Ridge Racer
[Play] PS1: Tekken 2
It might still be but Chris Brazier doesn't know.
No, I'm not asking "Will this hard drive work." I have my new 160 gigabyte hard drive on me and I'm desperate to start getting the new Resistance Maps but I have a problem.
I can't unscrew the 4 screw on the metal frame. I managed to get 1 screw out but the other 3 are stuck tight. Anyone have any ideas.
I posted this earlier but I couldn't find it again. I went to my history and then I found the thead but I got this message
You do not have access to view topics on this board.
I don't know why this was because no one even told my if it was deleted, why it was deleted.
Sorry, I'll try and resize them.
EDIT: There thats them resized is that easier to see?
It is my birthday today and I got a xrocker today from Arogs.
I have a Playstation 3 and it is connected to my HDTV also from Argos.
So I connect them up with the HD cable but I don't have a clue how I set up the XRocker with the PS3 can anyone tell me how I can connect them together.
The XRocker
I still want to be on High Defintion is that possible?
The XRocker's side control panel
My TV's control panel
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