None of the shooter games released since year 2000 are any good ... the last good shooters I played were Delta Force, Delta Force 2, Castle Wolfenstein, Rise of the Triad, Doom, Doom 2, Quake, Quake 2
Possible exceptions are Quake wars and Unreal Tournament.
Sure the newer games require better hardware and have "Better" graphics ... but seriously, the fun factor and gameplay of all the latest stuff is inferior. It is high time publishers decide if they want to make a CGI Movie, or if they actually want to make a game. Also, quality has been seriously compromised by corporate greed.
Dota 2 was the game I played 3rd most, with World of Warcraft (Mists of Pandaria) and Diablo 3 occupying most of my time.
The only other games I played in 2013 were Torchlight II, TitanQuest Gold (Immortal Throne), Age of Empires II HD, and a brief look at Path of Exile.
My most anticipated releases for 2014 are the Expansions for Diablo 3 and World of Warcraft.
Nothing else in 2013 even remotely grabbed my interest except maybe Formula 1 2013 (Which is WAY OVERPRICED and actually fails with it's classic tracks and drivers as it fails to fully emulate the old seasons)
My honest opinion is that every publisher (apart from Blizzard) rushes games to meet deadlines resulting in the inevitable bugs, patches and updates and dropped content being offered later as DLC ... It is very sad when my family prefer to play indie games because the blockbusters are less than perfect. Anything less than perfect will NOT GET MY MONEY until it is in the one dollar bargain bin ten years from now !
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