Generally? I think you mean rarely. I don't know if you can. Just email them. :roll:companies generally take unsolicited ideas from random people. far to many legal complications
Tomatoes95's forum posts
Does nobody play Zelda online? :( khoofia_pikaNot really. Too many cheaters. :( But I'll play! :D Name: Tomatoes.
Friend Code: 2406-5493-8255
Cheers. ;)
NAME: Arlod
Friend Code: 464064076921khoofia_pika
4425 4185 4796 ANIMEguy10034
I just added you two then! :)
I had at least 250 "tags" on Gamespot. When I checked them this morning, they were all gone!
Is there anything Gamespot can do? Or should I just try to rebuild my tags? I also lost the "Tagger Dabbler" emblem.)
Thank you! :)
Here we go again. :roll:
What? About what? This thead isn't going to just repeat itself until the end of time, is it? :?
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