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Call of Duty: Elite sheep

The many. The oblivious. The woolly.

With the release of Modern Warfare 3 also marks the release of Call of Duty: Elite, some kind of stat-tracking service as far as I can tell. From what I also know is that almost all of it is free with a few areas off limits to anyone who doesn't pay up. Want those extra things? That'll be another $50.

That's all fine and dandy for me. Even if I was going to buy MW3, I wouldn't make the slightest use of "Elite" but what I find absolutely astonishing yet unsurprising is that hundreds of thousands of people are more than willing to pony up for the "Premium" aspects.

It never ceases to amaze me how many people out there in the gaming world are just like sheep: So easily led. It takes nothing nowadays to get people to pay hundreds of dollars for a game that should cost $60. And those that do speak out; many complain but few actually take action and end up paying anyways. Now I know many of you will say "Oh but you don't HAVE to pay for this, stop whining!"

Well, that being said:

I hope you guys have your wallets ready when, in the future, every game has a "premium" service like this, and you're forced to pay for every single one of them. What you sheep don't seem to understand is that by paying into this, you're telling the industry that it's perfectly ok to blatantly rob you of yours (or more often your parents) hard-earned money, and it's only be a matter of time before every game has something like it. It happened with overpriced DLC, and it's already happening with season passes, online passes and programs like these. They're making you pay for your games two, three, even four time over and it's not right.

It's a sad time to be a gamer.