Why is Modern Warfare 2 so addictive?
by Tommaff on Comments
So i joined up to the MW2 hype when it was announced. After playing the last one to death, and not really enjoying the World at War experience (apart from zombies with friends) I was highly looking forward to getting to grips with the new maps, weapons and perks. I always expected to enjoy the game and knew i would spend time playing it. But after playing it for 2 months I am still waiting to finish work each day so I can go and rack up some kills. I am not sure if this is a combination of finding it a relaxing escape or ingenious game design. I have a feel both have a part to play. The simple fact the this is as much a RPG as a FPS in my opinion. It has the same lure to unlock and perfect you stats and skills as any MMORPG. For me it is all about getting to the next level to get the next unlock or hindering myself by using a weapon i am not familiar with to gain some all important EXP from unlocks. I have even got to the point i am not finishing enemies of in an attempt to get a kill with a flash bang achievement. The kill to death ratio has become a number that is an obsession. Checked after every game to see if I have got any closer to improving it by 0.01. How pathetic. Is this what gaming is turning into. An alluring ploy by manufacturers to get you to buy a product then play it repeatedly till you are sick. A clever trick and one i wish i had thought of. www.givemeitfree.co.cc
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