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Whats with all the True Crime/Mafia/The Getaway hate?

All I hear is "Its just a rip off of GTA!" and "This is the worst piece of crap I have played!" when someone mentions these games on a Grand Theft Auto message board...

all I gotta say are they so ****ing bad?

I mean...lets look at each one...(if you dont want to bother, just skip to my main point)

True Crime: The Streets of LA

How it ripped off GTA supposedly

"It was free roaming, and had a storyline based on crime?"

WTF? That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard...

You cant say that just because a game has a criminal storyline its a rip off...and free roaming environments have been around since Final Fantasy 1...after all...RPG's are pretty much free roaming.

Why it sucked balls

"The graphics sucked!" "The Driving Sucked!" "The Story was too short!" "The area was too big! There was nothing to look for!!!" sucked? Thats why they have like a crap load of more detail then GTAIII and Vice City...

Driving Sucked? I will admit that having ONLY L-Stick control does hinder it...but it doesnt "suck" as its very responsive...

Area to big and empty? Sorry, it was not trying to be a straight up GTA clone...meaning, they were not going for a city you could memorize like the back of your hand...they wanted the real Los Angeles...

I found True Crime to be very fun myself. Better then GTA? No, I did have more fun with GTA...but it certainly was not the worse game I have ever played. In fact, it was a lot better then Vice City in some ways to me...


How it ripped off GTA suppossedly

"Its free roaming, and its based on crime!"

Wow! Is there an echo in the room? Instead of repeating what I said...just look at what I said before...

Why it sucked balls

"The cars sucked!" "The Graphics Sucked (PS2/Xbox Version)!" "The Police Systme Sucked!"

okay...for the cars....ITS IN THE ****ING THIRTYS!!! THE ****ING THIRTYS!!!

Honestly!? What did they expect!?

The Graphics Sucked? was pretty bad for the Playstation 2/Xbox port...but dont make a game (especially when its fun as hell on PS2/Xbox/PC)

Police System Sucked? Well...the running red lights/speeding and getting a ticket could get annoying...but it was not THAT bad...

I had lots of fun with Mafia as also had the best story out of all the crime games out there to I suggest everyone should at least play this one once...

The Getaway

How it supposedly copied GTA

Take a wild guess. Thats Right! It had crime and free roaming in it!

Why it sucked balls

"London!? WTF?" "Too Much Traffic! ARGH!" "Police Were TOO Strict!" "leaning against a wall to gain health? WTF?"

Its London? So what? Is driving on the other side of the road really that hard?

Too Much Traffic? I thought this was one of the major things that is wanted in San Andreas...

Police Too Strict? I would expect them to go all out if they spot you with an AK-47 in your hands...

The health? Hey, it was trying to be like a movie...

The Getaway is, like Mafia, a game I think anyone who is really into the "crime genre" should play. Its got a great story (showing both sides of the law in fact) and to me, a lot of fun to play...


If your going to say some game least give a real reason why...go in depth in fact. It makes you look smarter as well as justify your opinon!

(note, dont even mention driv3r to me, there is a reason I did not add it)