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Simon and Garfunkel : The Greatest Band of All Time

A song comes on, it makes you feel warm and fuzzy. You've heard the song before. Of course you have. Nothing makes you feel better than hearing this song come on and makes you melt away in listening pleasure. That song is ultimately a song by Folk Group Simon and Garfunkel. Whether the song is Mrs. Robinson, based off of my favorite movie of all time, The Graduate. Or the song could be Art's classic Bridge over Troubled Water. So many classic folk ballads to choose. Where have you gone Joe DiMaggio? What a line. It captures the timing of the song in a box. Where had Joe Dimaggio gone when the group sang that song? Well, he was no longer the role model he was when he was with Ms. Monroe. And he will forever be in that moment because of this song. The song that makes you feel warm, and fuzzy, like you just popped an oxycontin. Well, you didn't, you're listening to The Sound of Silence. My personal favorite. Hearing that song brings me back to seeing Benjamin Braddock laying in the bed with the most beautiful woman in the world, Mrs. Robinson. Never has there been a more stunning lady in the history of earth. Anne Bancroft was perfect. Mel Brooks was a lucky man, and her sons were lucky sons to have the most beautiful mama in the entire world. Oh, how I envy them. A band that is from the early 60s has done this to me, only after just discovering them. No band makes you convey such a rang eof emotions like Simon and Garfunkel. Hearing them is theequivalentto mainlining some heroin. Or maybe a mimosa on the beach. Or maybe a night with your true love. Nothing is better. Nothing will ever be better. Simon and Garfunkel.

- Barry Alcazar