1. I have seen a slight performance increase but that is probably my head spinning lol. But the main problem with the Elites is that they are big targets.
2. The muber next to your rank is basically how good you are in that game type. It can be how good you are or how much you have played. That number also determines what ranks you will receive. For example: Youy need a highest skill of 20 to become one rank while you need a highest skill of 30 to be another rank. Also you obivously need the required amont of Exp.
3. You gain Exp by winning games you have played. Losing games will not lower you Exp, but it can lower your "highest skill" number. Also if you ever quit a match while the match is still being played, you will lose 1 Exp.
4. Campaign meta game is the same exact thing as the regular campaign. The word meta refers to when you turn on scoring for the missions you go into. Basically it turns the campaign into a sort of arcade mode with you getting points by killing enemies and destroying vehicles and stuff.
Also the answer to your last question is this:
The reason as to why the number is different is because you have a different skill for each game type. This means while you may be really good at Team Slayer with a highest sill of 45, you might need a little work in a Ranked Big Team with a skill of 15 or something. This just shows your different skill numbers for the different game types. Also shows to other people if they should try hard against you or if they should just walk over you lol.:)
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