Yep, now I'm just a crap one. So, everything's back to normal.
You know what my family's watching? "Super Troupers; 30 Years of Abba". :| The saddest thing is THIS IS BEST THING on at the moment. It's 8:30 on a Saturday night, and there's nothing on. But the set-top's working again, so I can watch Abba in HIGH DEF!
Level nine! Wow. I'm on the same level as Han. And if she doesn't do anything for another year, I might even catch up to her!
"The lotto numbers are: 40 11 3 10 44 27 and, subs: 36 26"
Do you know who would be great to marry? Someone who does the voice overs for movie promos. Nothing would be boring, and he'd make me laugh. "She thought it was just washing up..."
We have chocolate shake and bake chocolate pancakes. I've put the water in, and I've shaked it, but I can't be bothered to cook it yet. It smells nice.
So... Much... Abba *head explodes*
How many of these things have I done? Millions? Zillions? I think I've probably done over a thousand when you consider every blog entry and every diary, and every journal entry I've ever done in my whole life.
What will happen to them after I die? Nothing, I guess. They'll just float around cyperspace, and out live us all!
I've finished reading the California Diaries. Better than the BSC books, I actually didn't feel like killing myself after reading most of them. And the third Sunny one is quite sad, really. But, yeah, Ducky; totally gay Never had a girlfriend (at sixteen), kissed one girl when he was in grade 3 (but he doesn't "count" that one), and Sunny kisses him in his book, but he doesn't kiss her back. He likes to shop, and sing, and doesn't play sport. His closest friends are girls. He could be Jack on Will & Grace.
Well, now I'm hungry! Off to make chocolate pancakes! (Random fact; we have star-shaped ice cubes!)