While we're waiting for the pics, I thought I'd do one of these things that everyone else seems to be doing... I stole it off some person on MySpace.
* . . About You . . *
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Brown
Height: Short
Favorite Color: Grey
Screen Name: Toplesslemon
Favorite Band: The Fray/Snow Patrol
Favorite Movie: Garden State
Favorite Show: Crossing Jordan
Your Car: Invisible
Your Hometown: Adelaide
Your Present Town: Adelaide
Your Crushes First Name: Foxtel Guy
Your Grade: *stares blankly*
Your St-yle: Post Modern
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop? Yes, but not this house
Kissed someone in the rain? Yes! :D
Danced in a public place? Yep
Smiled for no reason? All the time
Laughed so hard you cried? Yes
Written a song? Yes
Sang to someone for no reason? No
Performed on a stage? Several times
Talked to someone you don't know? Yes "stranger danger"
Gone out of your way to befriend someone? Probably
Made out in a theatre? Yep
Gone roller skating since 8th grade? Yep
Been in love? Maybe *shrugs* What is love, really?
* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you? Mum and or sister when I got home last night
Tell you, I love you? Han
Kiss you? Wouldn't you like to know!
Hug you? Someone yesterday at Han's birthday bowling.
Tell you BYE? Same answer
Write you a note? Mum, this morning, telling me to buy milk
Take your photo? Someone yesterday (Cameron, I think)
Buy you something? Mum bought me dinner, if that counts.
Go with you to the movies? Han, Lauren and Karl. We went and saw Disturbia.
Sing to you? *shrugs*
Write a poem about you? I don't think anyone ever has...
Touch you? Ewww... dirty!
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed? How the hell am I suppose to know? I laugh all the time!
Time you cried? Uh... couple of weeks ago.
Movie you watched? Two Weeks Notice last night.
Song you've sang? Ruby (Ruby, Ruby, Ru-by!)
Time you've looked at the clock? Just then, it's 9:34
Drink you've had? Pepsi
Number you've dialed? Can't remember; it was a long time ago. I don't tend to use the phone.
Book you've read? Break No Bones
Food you've eaten? Pasta! With some kind of white sauce that had bacon and mushroom and onion in.
Flavor of gum chewed? Watermelon
Shoes you've worn? Platform sneakers
Store you've been in? Target
Thing you've said?
* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands? Yes
Whistle? Yep
Blow a bubble? With what? *looks disturbed*
Roll your tounge in a circle? Yo
Cross your eyes? Yeah
Touch your tounge to your nose? Nay
Dance? No, and I don't want to.
Gleek? What the hell is that?!
Stay up a whole night without sleep? 'Course.
Speak a different language? Yes! "Australian"
Impersonate someone? I am right now!
Prank call people? I wouldn't want to. They can track you by the phone calls you make.
Make a card pyramid? Yep.
Cook anything? Several things
* . . Finish The Line . . *
If i were a... tomato
I wish... I had a tomato
So many people don't know that... actually a piece of toast
I am... a song by Killing Heidi
My heart is... in my chest