@lightningff I Couldn't read much of that banter, but what I could make out from your attempt at English, was the following: You have only played recent Final Fantasy's, (By recent I am saying PSone era and forward)." You haven't experienced a true Final Fantasy, yet have the nerve to say you could be counted as a "die hard fan." You stated that you didn't like it when someone bashed one of the Final Fantasy's you liked, but you blatantly showed "distaste" for what could be someone else favorite.
I find it rather sad that you're trying to be "intellectual," and all you have managed to prove is that you lack grammatical skills and knowledge of the English language. I would highly suggest going back to school and paying more attention to your English teacher; instead of texting in class. By the way, I am not saying FFXIII or XIII-2 are great or bad. I just think you should play a true Final Fantasy before babbling useless banter that makes the rest of the internet community face palm, and think "You are what's wrong with the world."
TorasInu's comments