@Aliyn: in terms of customization, TC offers the most I've ever seen on a racing game.
It's just so much you can do with a single, weather you turn it into a track toy..a street tuner..rally car...raid car...or even a monster truck, choice is yours thanks to specs.
@Zacmaccraken: True, bay veiw in the new nfs is not even half the size of LA in The Crew, LA in The Crew is actually twice the size of Los Santos. and has other LA cities like, long beach, anaheim, and many others.
@rooster42: And man? The Crew which is also online Always, Sold best on PS4 at 3 million copies, What is your point, Atleast Ubisoft is adding in "Offline Singplayer" mode in the Upcoming expansion.
@rooster42: Yep and when your ass is stuck on a black"Cannot connect to servers" screen, you're going to be eatting you words like a freshly roasted Crow, Enough with the bull shit man, This is EA,
EA has the most unreliable Servers in the industry, You're talking about getting with the times, lol, I want to see your face when you aren't allowed to play the game you payed for.
GTA feels real, it feels like driving through an actual city, when you cruise on the highway and suddenly the radio DJ says "Good morning los santos. or watch out for that nasty rain headed in" it's just very believable.
TorqueHappens08's comments