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Results are in..

And I passed! All of them. I'll just stop wasting time and give you the run down.

Science: Double Award - A & A

Mathematics - A

English Language - A

English Literature - A

History - A

Design & Technology: Resistant Materials - A

ICT - B (I thought that test was much, much easier. Must have been the coursework.)

R.E. - C (Oh well, it's not like I'm gonna be a priest..)

With that said, I can now choose any course for next year in Sixth Form College that I want. W00t! I had a couple of Tequilas to celebrate, which haven't done much to me so far. Oh well, it's almost the weekend..


It's crunch time for students who are staying on in a Sixth form college because they have to pick subjects for next year.

Now, I've already chosen the subjects I want to study but there is just one slight problem. They are split into blocks. This means that I have to choose one subject from each blocks, so if two of the subjects I want to do are in one block, I'm screwed.

Luckily, the two I'm definitely doing are in separate blocks but Psychology is in one of them too and I would like to take that as a fourth extra subject.

Here are the blocks:-

Block 1

Eng. Lit
VCE Travel & Tourism

Block 2

Business Studies
VCE Business
Product Design

Block 3

Government Politics

Block 4

Theatre Studies
Eng Lit. & Lang.

Block 5


Aside from that though, I got an enrichement day, my results collecting and a long summer, I just hope the teachers can be nudged the right way if some of the subjects don't go my way.

Damn Time Computers...Modding in progress...

Over the weekend my computer crashed. Lost all my music, video and document files and had to reboot from the beginning again. That includes my 'Asian Wrestlers Tribute.'

"I'm pissed now!!!" "Goddamn CPUs! Are you listening Time!?!? You make you goddamn CPUs to tight!" "I'm pissed now!" "Superbrawl Saturday? I don't what it is, what is it called?"

School's Out...Pimping's in...

This summer should be awesome for me. I have a lot of stuff planned with my mates and some others in WWEv. I'm probably gonna restart hitting the gym again now I don't have to revise or learn for that matter till Christmas and I'm gonna learn to play golf as well as probably football and squash, which I love.

As for WWEv, well I have a few tribute videos on the line and I'll be posting loads. Summer is usually when it gets active and I hope to get a job soon.

Edit: Oh and thanks to Keiblerfan_69 for making this profile banner a while back, it had took me ages to get it up.