Well first of all, thx everyone for the comments on my last blog post and for not forgetting about me!! I love you all muchly!! *everyone gets the biggest hug* I can't believe even that is almost already a month ago!! jeez I'm really bad at keeping promisses and staying here, aren't I? XD
and I also want to tell everyone that Briggsey2k7 made this union "Fullmetal Mania" on gamespot, so anyone who is an FMA fan, go check it out!! (I'm on officer) XD And don't be scared to join!! XD A living union is more fun.. XD
well anyway I'm gonna keep it short this time (or at least i'm gonna try to...XD), just well yeah, exams are starting tomorrow and I'm studying french now, but i have this terrible headache!! (which is why I'm going off in a minute XD) Well normally we already had German exam today, but we had like 2 months of no teacher for German and English till now so yeah they just dropped the exams too. XD
So anyway, from now on till in 2 weeks you know where to find me...behind my sisters desk to study XD (well I go there cuz there's no computer to distract me XD)
So...wish me luck!! I'll need it!!! XD
Well that's not what I'm crying for though....it's....my grandpa.....well he had to go to the hospital and well he had to go before, like a month ago, but this time....it's serious...he had to be brought to intensive care and....they--they put him in a coma.
My mum just told me. She said that she doesn't know if he'll wake up.
I'M SO SCARED!! :cry::cry::cry::cry: God don't take him away!!!!
What if he'll pass away during my exams? ....
Also, my mom and dad are in this big fight...they don't talk to each other anymore. My mom told me that if there wasn't for the kids she would leave right now...
And then there are 2 other things that also make me sad, but well yeah...
gah I can't study right now, I just can't...but I have to....well bye everyone, see you when my exams are finished. *hugs everyone*
...wow, my eyes feel so heavy now :|