...I'm supposed to be on! :P I just noticed that I write more blogs when I'm actually not supposed to be on! :lol:
Yes, JJ_phantom577 you better bow down to my greatness! XD JK ;) You were right! I wasn't stressing on my last exams! :D But I did had to be at 2 places at once! :shock: Me and my friend were just standing in the hall waiting for our turn, and a boy walks up to us and asks us if we already had done our Dutch. And we were like "No, but the French teacher said we're next." Boy: "Erm, the Dutch teacher thinks he had everyone..." Me: "WHAT!?" *runs down stairs* *stumbles* *continoues running* (XD) When I came in, the teacher was like "Aaah! Astrid! Take an article, sit down and make a summary of it. You have 10 minutes to prepare." So I read the article, did that, but didn't exactly know how to put it in different words, so I guess that didn't really went as planned...aw well, he said: "uhum...that's off your chest now" And then he smiled. XD
I ran back upstairs, we quickly had to prepare a dialouge in French about "our vacation" I said I went to Canada! XD And I made up a lot of stuff! XD We were ready with everyting 20 minutes after the bell rang!
See? like I said: 2 hours nothing to do and then I have to be at to places at once at the time the exams are supposed to be over! SO typical for me! =/
And don't worry ghostgal! I won't give my teacher the pleasure of going to jail! XD *sreams into pillow* That feels so good! :D And thank you for all your tips all the time! :) Eat chocolate!? YES Mem!! XD *starts eating it* Someone: Exams are over you know! Me: shut up! XD
Yes, teenage_fanatic, help me with not losing my mind...@_@ :lol:
Oh and congrats on the 90 trm6!! :D
That's okay, KTbeth, I'm not pissed for something like that ;)
Other news for a change!
I'm free now for 2 weeks! :D I will have finally time to do stuff a lot of people are expecting me to do! Like reading fanfics, making banners, put 'flirting with disaster' on livevideo (private, so if you want the links, ask me), reply people, watching 'house' (t_f ;)), finishing my vid Oh and FINALLY watch the new eppies!!! :D
Though, I will be about a week of the vacation away to our vacationhouse...AARG! I'm so sick of doing that all the time! :x My dad says "But there is so much to do around" And I'm like "Then WHY do we keep doing the same stuff over and over again!!?" Why can't they just leave me at home? I'm old enough and then I'll be sure my cat Simba won't run off or something. :(
The good side is that I will get to see Danny Phantom on tv there! :D In German! :P I already saw "public enemies" and "the Fenton Menace" in German. I remember the title of the last one "Ben ich verrückt oder was?" (am I crazy or what?) XD
Oh and my dad just said we're going to a theme park! :D
Also, my sister finally got me a ticket to a concert I was dying to go to on 28th of may! :D I wanted to go with friends, but only my best friend can make it with me, and my sister and her boyfriend are going to drive us the the Netherlands (we're lucky our vacationhouse is near there) We will be seeing Linkin park, the smashing pumpkins, Evanescence, the kooks, 30 secondes to mars, within temptation and more!! :D But I mostly want to see Linkin Park!!! :D :D
Though, Friday I'll have to go back to school to get my repport card...:( And here it comes...My stupid, prevert teacher wants our clas (sorry it won't let me add an other "s") to make an "original clasphoto" Which will look like this: Everyone in bikini, swimsuit or slip, covered our body with only a box, drinking water or something. The girls have to leave their sholders naked so they all think we wear nothing exept for the boxes! He wants our clas to be an exapmle of a "green school" O_O I DON'T WANT THAT PHOTO!! Save mee!!
He's going to lock us up in the gym room (THAT creeps me out) where we can take the pictures, because he is not allowed to do that! :shock: I thought of dropping on anonymous letter under the principal's door. XD Maybe I can get my repport card and then say that I can't stay, cuz we're going on vacation in Canada and we have little time! XD ...Okay, I'll just go look for a box >.>
Hope you didn't fell asleep! XD And now I'll bow down to ayone who actually read my boring ranting *bows down* exept for JJ_phantom577! :lol:
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