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Sugar Club!! XD

I actually have nothing too repport :P
But, I've noticed the past few days there are more people with a sugar problem around, Everyone who can't handle sugar, rise your hand. :D
So I felt like officialy start a sugar club..Does that make any sense? xD
Who wants to join?? :D I call being...A MEMBER!! :D

Now I'm also going...OH LOOK! SUGARRRR!! Need- SOME!!
*runs to sugar, weird purple colored monkey jumps in front of me* ARG! Darn MONKEY!! You're going DOWN!! I must contact my partner-fulltime SUPERhero- compadres!!! *Takes special Supah phone* HELLO?? Monkey standing between me an my sugar!! Need help!! :P
*Monkey attacks* LEAPING LICHTNING RODS!! This looks like a job for...uhm...Totally_DPyank_fantatic?? :D
*takes reserve sugar out of pocket* HAH! No one can keep me away from sugar!! *evil laugh* *grabs bedsheet* Fear not citizens, fulltime SUpAhheroes DPyankees02, teenage_fanatic and Totally_Asje or on the job! (or on the sugar, apperently XD)

Ohh! The animals are turning green! GHOST! TO THE HUNT! *flies off---comes back---shows shining teeth---flies off again*

YAY for sugary-coated goodness! WHO'S WITH ME?? We must defeat evil pink elephants and tricky purple monkeys (who steal your bedsheet!! *grr*)

And I'm home alone again, so I won't be holding back!! 8)
OK, now somebody please shoot me for ranting on about this! XD

And now...have some cheescake it's on the house!! I have something to make up! To xphantomgrlx XD