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" I am the literary equivalent of a Big Mac and Fries. "

Hey ya'll! Welcome back to my bloggy. Let's get this started, shall we?

Rachel's Movie Of The Day

I think today I'm going with Foxfire, starring Angelina Jolie (before she was real famous), Hedy Burress, Jenny Shimizu (While filming, Angie and her were in a "physical" relationship), Jenny Lewis (Who is now a singer I think), and Sarah Rosenberg. The back of the dvd thinger reads:

"A breakthrough film about female friendship and rebellion, Foxfire features the star-making performance of Angelina Jolie (which isn't really true because her real "star-making" performance was Girl, Interrupted, I believe.) and the film debuts of Hedy Burress (Lost and Found) and model Jenny Shimizu. Based on the controversial novel by Joyce Carol Oates, Foxfire follows four suburban high scool girls who are united when a mysterious stranger inspires them to take revenge on a sexually abusive teacher. But when the local jocks decide to teach the girls a lesson, their hard-won freedom becomes a violent trap."

That basically covers it, but there's a lot more to it. I think it's about how one thing can bring strangers together and bind them together as friends for life. You've got Violet, the school hoochie mama. Red (forgot her real name :lol:.) who's a goody-goody loner with no friends and is the one who was being sexually abused by the teacher (so was Violet, but we only see Red get it. Oh, and it's only touching her breast. No rape or anything.) Of course it being the 90's, gotta have the druggie, who is beautifully portrayed by Shimizu as Goldie. Maddie (Burress) is an aspiring photographer who isn't really part of any group but isn't a loner either. And then there's Legs (Jolie), the girl who brings them all together and convinces them to fight against the teacher, and later, fight against all the rules and to embrace who they really are.

This is one of my favorite movies. It's not well known. It doesn't have alot of relationship crap like most teen movies. And I think it actually teaches something rather than just add to the list of brainless teen movies. Oh, and fun little fact, I may or may not have squee'd a little when I saw that it was all filmed in Portland, Oregon, the city I was born and the state I was born and raised in :D.

Rachel's Book Of The Day

Though I'm sure some of you have seen the movie Memoirs Of A Geisha or even read the book, and it does get some things right, it doesn't capture the cruelty that some of the real geisha had to go through in the past. So, I'm reccommending the book Autobiography Of A Geisha by Sayo Masuda. While she wasn't exactly a geisha per say, but rather a type of prostitute that was pretty similar to geisha, her story is just as heart-wrenching.

Being sold into servitude at the age of five, she endured verbal, emotional, and physical abuse by her masters (who ran a plantation type farm.) After seven years of going through this, she was then sold to an okiya (geisha house) in small town Suwa, Japan. Her abuse only got worse. It wasn't a normal geisha house, and these were not normal geisha. While art is the main focus of the geisha in Kyoto and Tokyo, most small town geisha were trained minimally in the arts, usually only shamisen (a small three-stringed banjo type guitar) and singing, and focused more on seduction and prostitution. Her okasan (mother of the geisha house) was very abusive, as was the head geisha (sound familiar?).

Now, don't be mislead, this book isn't about a geisha. It's not about her profession. It's about a woman who had to grow up knowing only abuse and suffering, yet she still didn't ask for pity nor did she feel sorry about it. Really interesting book. Makes you feel kind of silly for complaining about the things you take for granted. I reccommend.

Rachel's Youtube Pic Of The Day

I have got to give this spot to Phil Defranco, aka Sxe Phil (because he's not sexy! Sorry, I love his theme song :lol:.) I personally think he's hilarious. He doesn't think so, but that's just because he's a douchebag (OH! lol). No, not really. He's cool. Mostly talks about current events and things he reads in the news, while also calling people idiots for their stupidity. He's honest, he's fun, he's cool, he's not sexy, he's just Sxe Phil! Watch him here.
Rachel's Dirty Joke Of The Day

A woman and her lover were having a wonderful time in the bed when her husband came home early. Distraught, she told her lover, "Hurry! Stand in the corner and I'll dust you up with baby powder!" She coated his skin and hair as quickly as possible before her husband came into the room. Seeing the man, he asked immediately, "What is that??"

"OH well, you see the Smiths had an interesting, realistic nude statue and I was interested enough to get one of my own."

The husband only nodded and the evening passed along as the wife forgot all about her lover being there. During the night, however, the husband slipped out of bed and downstairs to make a sandwich and grab a beer. Going upstairs, he held both out toward the statue. "Here," he said. "I stood still for three days at the Smiths' and no one even considered offering me a bite to eat."

Rachel's Song Of The Day


This can be a lonely town

By myself with a million people around

Observing, preserving, serving my own mind

And I'm curious at the things I've found

I'm alone but I'm not lonely

I'm with the only person that knows me

I'm armed with my guitar and I'm armed with emotional scars

And my journey is underway

I pulled into town yesterday but I think its time to go

I can't tell you where because I don't know

And I'm armed with my guitar and I'm armed with emotional scars

And my journey is underway

At times I feel that I'm the only one who cares

But we've all got troubles and we've all got pain

We need to realise that we are all the same

And we're armed with our guitars and we're armed with our emotional scars

And our journey is underway Written and performed by the very talented and soulful Jason Manns, I feel I can really relate to this song, just replace the guitar with a pen...okay, keyboard, whatever :lol:! But I think it really speaks to me because I'm alone but I'm not lonely (I've got you all to keep me company :D.) and I don't have much but I have my passion for writing and that's enough for me. But I also think it's saying that there really shouldn't be a line between celebrities and everyday people because we're all on a journey that is leading us somewhere, hopefully better, and we shouldn't think that just because they're rich and famous that they don't have their struggles, and vise-versa. That's just one way I interpret it. Feel free to interpret it any way you see fit :D. And I'm so excited to see him in concert next month at Chicago Con!! Hopefully Jensen will sing with him (they sang a duet on Jason's CD. The song's called Crazy Love. I reccommend that one too :D.)

Okay, and that's it for the day...okay, okay, I guess we can do this too.

Welcome back to my Supernatural Corner!!

First off, last nights episode was AWESOME! Seriously, two punches to the face and a broken lamp!! Finally everything (at least we're led to believe that's everything, which it most likely isn't) is all in the open. I really feel bad for Sam. I mean, he's really in the grey right now because while his purpose and intent isn't in the wrong place, his method is and like Dean said, it's a slipper slope and he'll just get darker and darker until he'll be totally corrupted one day. Very sad.

The monster of the week was icky!! Awesome, but gross. Seriously? Raw hamburger meat? Which I'm forced to eat at least twice a week? Thank you, Cathryn! I appreciate that! Still, the Manburger Helper cracks me up along with Longpig :lol:. Love Dean. I think it's pretty awesome that we're only four episodes in and this is already my favorite season, and our ratings are doing pretty good too. Pulling in just above three million viewers :D.

I'm looking forward to this season and what it hold even more with each episode. Next weeks looks a bit silly, but I'm keeping an open mind. And Dean in lederhosen is enough to satisfy me if all else fails :lol:. Instead of icons today, I think I'm going to reccommend some fics for those who read them. Don't worry, if anything is Wincesty or J2 or anything I'll always warn first.

Rachel's Fic Pics

Tea For One by paperbkryter

"Will a loophole in Dean's contract with the crossroads demon finally free him? Or have things gone from bad to worse for both Sam and Dean?"

A Real Boy by Mercy's Failure

"Wee!chester. 8 year old Dean is not a big fan of school. It was supposed to be the one place he could be a kid."

It's Not Working by Maya Perez

"Dean, age 8, gets a fabulous idea from a TV Commercial on how to speed Sammy along so he can become a fun playmate. --Total blame to the folks in the Yahoo Supernatural group - based on a joke --" That last one had me laughing so damn hard I had tears running down my face! :lol: Later folks!