Seriously. I do not like to buy a game unless I know I am getting my money's worth out it. I also like to get these games worth 60 bucks as close to their release date as possible. Normally this works out well for me as I eagerly anticipate new upcoming titles. This being said, I just bought Little Big Planet, Resistance 2, and Fallout 3 all within a 2 week time span. Little Big has a never ending supply of levels and disk levels that requiring beat several times to 100% complete them. Fallout 3 requires beating the game probably about 3 times before you experience most of the game. R2 has multiplayer modes to keep me busy for a real long time. Is any of this a problem? The answer is no.
The problem is Call of Duty: World at War. I've spent too much money on games already, but this game looks bananas. At first I did not think it would live up to COD4, but it does look really sweet. I'm afraid if I buy it that I will cast R2 aside since I already beat it once and I will end up feeling like I wasted money. I have absolutely no reason to buy the game cause the other 3 are still keeping me very busy (plus I bought Ninja Gaiden and haven't really started it, I was waiting until I got all the other games out of my system). I think I may be able to hold out until Killzone 2 comes out to get my fps fix. I promised myself I wouldn't buy another game until Prince of Persia came out and I really hope I keep my word.