I wouldn't get IV Advance if I were you. Not because it's a bad game but it's a port that's worse in quality compared to V (lag, glitches during battle, etc).
Game-wise, V will last you a lot longer too. The job system allows for endless team-possibilities and adds great replay vallue. V has a great soundtrack and the story really isn't as bad as people say it is. I'd go as farc as saying that it's on par, if not better than IV. There are really great emotional scenes in V, don't underestimate it's story, thanks. I find IV's story vastly overrated anyway, it's really not that much better than V's.
IV is good too, but I'd say you'd be better off with a different IV port, or even IV DS if it ever gets released outside of Japan. Get V, in terms of port-quality, it beats IV Advance. Oh, and stay away from VI. If you're really that desperate to play the worst RPG ever, at least play the SNES version or so, cause the GBA version isn't that much better, and the music suffers.
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