In november 2005 the Xbox360 was launched at £280...
Now lets say someone got a similarly powered PC:
X1900XT-the first GPU VERY similar to the 360 that could do HDR and AA at the same time.... and it was at £300
AMD 3800 x2-One of the reasonably priced dual core CPUs....started at £120
2gb DDR2 RAM- while still inits begginning the 553 version was £80
Now ill lump Mobo/Case/HDD/DVD/PSU/M-K/OS in one part since their price doesnt flunctuate that £200
PS: The display is out of question since the 360 doesnt come with an HDTV...
The above machine started at £850 including assembly....
Now lets see what happened in the following nearly 3 years...
Lets say that in 2006 both the PC user and the console user BOUGHT 6 NON RENTABLE games (I mean games that have more than 5 hours of gameplay/a rarity in the console world) these costed the PC user £150...while the console user forked £300 plus £30 on XBL ....
In 2007 same story again £150 for the PC and £330 for the console...
By 2008 the console user had spent nearly £990 on games while the PC user spent £450....Lets see in total:
PC: £850+£450= £1300
Xbox360: £280+£990= £1270
In the above the console is assumed to be bought at DAY OF RELEASE amongst INSANE SHORTAGES and HUGE EBAY SCAMS....The RROD is NOT CALCULATED as NOT calculated are all the rip offs that take place in XBL as DLC....
Last I DARE any lemming to find a game that runs on the 360 THAT will not run on the SAME settings as the 360 on the above PC....
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