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Back again


Sorry for the absence... how long has it been, I wonder?

No matter! I'm around now and ready to jump back into the thick of things! I'm in university now, so do't expect me to be posting all the time, but I'll be more present than I've been in years past. Me and my brand new PS3, Cornelius.

Yes, that's right, I named him.

So I'll be doing some updates here and there and I expect to hear from people soon! :D

Still not around, but checking in when possible

Due to school and all the work... blah, blah, blah, yada, yada, yada, etc...


So I'm still AWoL for a bit, but hopefully not for much longer. I'll check in from time to time to update and all that jazz, but as things are currently, I'll probably be away more than I'll be here.


So there you have it! I hope I get to see more of all you guys soon...


For now, see ya! Be back in two shakes of that metaphorical lamb's tail! :) 

Drowning in paperwork... again

Final semester and everything is coming to a close: projects, portfolios and lecture classes... but not soon enough for my liking. The semester's just begun and already I'm having a tough time keeping myself afloat academics. In other words, this is going to be the make it or break it period.

I've got papers due in every single class concieveable to man and machine; Ethics for Pre U? Two papers. English? A report. Gym? An essay. French? An article summary and questions. On top of it all, there's my exhibition project (the graduating works we are supposed to prepare). There is much to do and not enough time in the day to get it all done.

That being said, I'm going to attempt to be around enough to post on the FFSU. I know the union has been quiet and, as an officer, I need to make the effort to keep it active as well. At least this way, I can use this as an excuse to work on my time management skills! :)

Talk with you all later!

Two more days until school...

    Fourth semester is looming in the near future and I've yet to take a look at my new schedule. I guess all in due time, but meh, don't feel like it yet! :P

    I've been playing a lot of XMP lately, which is why nobody's seen me around on the forums at all. It's really fun when you have a mic and can actually talk with your teammates while you play. I've gotten better (my life expectancy is up from 30 seconds to about maybe a minute and a half :D) but I'm still working on my aim. When I can hit a guy as he dodges half way across the map with my sniper rifle, then I'll be happy... until then, I have to work towards that. :)

    I haven't been console gaming in a while. My sis is taking up my slack on that one: she got .Hack//G.U. and has been gaming non stop this past week. The main character Haseo is, well, how do I put this lightly... he's not in my good books as a character though he does get better, albeit not much, later on. Personally I don't think I could play the game just because the guy is so rude and obnoxious, but I might still yet.

    More news to come as it happens! :P

First Person Shooters!

     I'm not the best shot in the world, yeah, I already knew that before.

    I'm okay at the MGS series, but I can't play any of the Metroid  games to save my life. I was surprised when one of my friends introduced me to the online version of Unreal II, the Awakening.

    To give you an idea, Unreal II isn't exactly what I was playing but an offshoot of it called 'Expanded Multiplayer' or XMP for short. Now, I don't own the game (I'm poor remember? :D) so I was linked to a site in which I could download the software needed to run the program plus the components needed in order to fool the program into running. After the game was installed, I had a hell of a time figuring out the controls not to mention actually learning how to use the text controls to communicate! Now I'm playing, learning slowly and trying to get the hang of it all. It's a blast! :P

    Anyway, to get the installation stuff, visit this link:

    Well, see ya guiys later, I'm off to game! :)

Party: food, presents and Monty Python's 'Life of Brian'!

    I remember the tired smile on my face and, even if I couldn't see it at that point in time, it was enough to know that it was there.

    It was really tiring work to clean up the house and fix up my room, but I got it done, and in record time. I didn't have enough money to get presents for everyone so I wrapped up the canvases I brought home from this semester and was resourceful with what items I thought adequate to donate to the party. I guess it pays to be poor sometimes, it makes for some very heartfelt gifts...

    After getting everything set up, I waited for the guests to arrive. I knew a few of them couldn't make it for either academic reasons or already laid out plans, but that hadn't deterred me from making them gifts too and setting out an extra place at the table should they choose to show up. I just sat and waited.

    I recieved a few phone calls in the coming minutes from a couple friends informing me that they would be a bit late. Oh well, it happens every year, so I wasn't very annoyed. Soon, my first guests arrived and we got to making supper! Man, was it ever fun! Over the course of the next hour, everyone showed up and we got the festivities underway!

    We ate Tandori chicken, Jasmine rice, tomato pizza, steamed veggetables with cheddar, veggies and dip with water, ginger ale, orange crush and milk for drinks! For dessert, there were fudge brownies, Make Sushi, sugar cookies and my famous mudpies! (everyone knows how good they are! :P) It was a great feast!

    While we ate, we watched Monty Python's 'Life of Brian', then after that was over, we opened gifts. I'm so glad everyone liked their presents... OH, and I got a new antique! A copy of 'The Good Neighbour' from 1849! That, a cup for of biscotti, a package of mulling spice, a book on dragons (the illustrations are beautiful!) and the Sonic Mega Collection!

    After all that, we watched Rush Hour then everyone headed out. It was really a great day... but it would've been nicer if they all could've stuck around and helped me clean up the place a bit... ah well, it was late anyway. I got up this morning at about 10:00 and I was STILL tired from the day before! But it was good seeing the ol' gang again so I don't really care all that much! :)

    Well, gotta go for now! See you all! :D

Party at my place! XD

I'm hosting a Christmas party today! It's going to be great, with food and presents and everything....


I still need to get ready for this party and find gifts for everyone. :P
I have to do some cleaning and I may not be around today but I will try to do some updating later on in the evening.

I'll tell you all how the party went, okay? :)

Two days of unforgiving toil left

There are only two days left of official school for John Abbott College students and a whole lot of exam dates for the unfortunate souls in the thereafter (also known as 'holidays', a concept not yet recognized by many of us).

However, this applies only to the 'unfortunate' souls of the college.

I guess this is where being in the Fine Arts program of J.A.C has its perks; no final examination, no out-of-class exam dates... though this is only partially true on my account. I'm scheduled to take the English Exit exam on Wednesday, mostly just to get it over and done with (assuming I do well enough to forego taking it in the coming spring). Ah, but on to the more important matters at hand!
My final sculpture project is coming along quite swimmingly, requiring only a slight tweek here and an extra wing there before its completion. I haven't yet started my final paper for English (a comparative essay on Mary, Queen of Scots and her illustrious cousin, Queen Elizabeth I), but I plan to get that underway tomorrow along with my research for my French oral (a presentation of the invention of the Telephone as well as Alexander Graham Bell). Silk screening is only a matter of hours and I have tonight to complete what remains to be drawn in my sketchbook.

With a small number of projects awaiting conclusion, there is little to do but breath a sigh of due relief. It's rather funny, really, when I look back on my first days of Fine Arts and recall my friend's words, "Third semester will try to break you. Don't let it."

I'd like to think that it hasn't, but then again, I don't think I'm quite the same as I was before. I have really begun to see the world from a brand new prespective and I think now I can appreciate real art from both the point of view of a regular person and from that of an artist: Questioning and enthralled, analytical and critical, and wholly able to understand the conceptual idea set forth by the individual.

...In other words, I've either attained artistic enlightenment or have been driven completely mad.

Well, now that I've gotten THAT out of my system! How's everyone doing? :oops: Anyways, I'm going to run off for a bit to do some studying and sculpting... :P See you guys later! :)

End of Semester! =3

YES! At long last, it is nearly time to begin the holidays and get down to designing my exhibition project. Hopefully, I'll soon have time to hang out more on the forums and talk with a bunch of you guys! :)

Tomorrow is friday, which mean silk screen class after my Psychcology class... I'm nearly done my work for both classes and after my Pysch. class, I've got a pot-luck in my silk screening class! I can't wait to see what everyone has brought! :P

I've started reading Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I've determined if I want to watch the movie, I should first give the book a shot. I did the same thing with the Lord of the Rings trilogy (basically became a hermit for a month while I read the books), but I hope it doesn't take me as long to finish and, considering the thickness of the book, it won't. I love it so far! It's fantastic and random! I swear, if you haven't read the book yet, go and pick it up right now... and arm yourself with a towel :lol:

As for games, I was recently made aware of a game made by the history channel concerning the Civil War. For those of you who don't really know me all that well, know this; I am a history FANATIC, therefore anything historical that graces the PS2 must, in turn, be mine. It looks to be good, so I'm seriously considering picking it up... but perhaps I'll look a little more at reivews before I make my decision... All I know is I want to play the Gettysburg campaign and see how far I get as either side (with my American history books nearby for reference)!

On that note, I think I'm going to go and study! See you guys later! :D

Movies, photoshop and writing!

Today has been a rather lazy Saturday in all aspects; sitting around, gaming, eating pancakes, pondering life, the univesre and everything... yup, I've pretty much done it all in the 'I'm-not-doing-much-of-anything' department! I enjoyed a good sleep-in (all the way to 8:10, tee hee) and tried for the umpteenth time to beat Gruntilda, though, alas! to no avail.

After a while, I gave up trying to beat the mean old witch senseless and gave myself over to typing a story. I had it in me at the time to start a dark tale, but after thinking it over, I decided to go for a comedy instead... I've got a title, a cast and a neat situation (one that might beg for a few supernatural occurances later on) not to mention plenty of inspiration! I think I might get somewhere with this one before writer's block decides to attack me... :D

Ironically enough, later today, my mom and I went to see "Stranger than Fiction", starring Will Ferrell. It wasn't really a comedy more than it was a rather interesting drama about life and living... A fantastic film all together! Strangely enough, it got me thinking about the little schedules I keep... :?
 After the movie, I got home and zoomed straight into photoshop to revamp one of my earlier Fatal Frame fan art pictures. I think I'm going to start the fan art thread on the FFSU, but I'm only going to once I get the okay from either Thora or Michelle... :)