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New York state, I'll be seeing you soon...

Labour Day weekend is coming soon and I'll be on the road once again (I don't know how long yet, I'll make sure I post it, though). My grandparents are having their 50th wedding anniversary and the whole family is going to their place in Massena, NY. for the celebration! Now, 50 years together, that's a long time... so my mom is trying to do something really special for them and make up a scrapbook of all things from the 50's, particularly from the year of 1954 (when they were started dating).

Since she knows I love to do this sort of thing, I'm the person she came to first with the idea. My job in all of this is to do some tracking down of facts, looking for all that I can on stuff from '54. I need to get pictures, statistics, newspaper headlines... whatever I can find. This is a really big deal for everyone so I can't wait to the last moment to do the research (I'm a notorious procrastinator that way... :lol: ). This is going to be educational as it will be fun! I mean, my mom has already found a list of slang words from the '50s! Did you know that's where the word "cooties" came from? :P
Anyway, I'm going get started looking things up before I get sidetracked. If anyone knows a site where I can find more information on the 1950's, please tell me! It'll make my time a lot easier. :D