Fourth semester is looming in the near future and I've yet to take a look at my new schedule. I guess all in due time, but meh, don't feel like it yet! :P
I've been playing a lot of XMP lately, which is why nobody's seen me around on the forums at all. It's really fun when you have a mic and can actually talk with your teammates while you play. I've gotten better (my life expectancy is up from 30 seconds to about maybe a minute and a half :D) but I'm still working on my aim. When I can hit a guy as he dodges half way across the map with my sniper rifle, then I'll be happy... until then, I have to work towards that. :)
I haven't been console gaming in a while. My sis is taking up my slack on that one: she got .Hack//G.U. and has been gaming non stop this past week. The main character Haseo is, well, how do I put this lightly... he's not in my good books as a character though he does get better, albeit not much, later on. Personally I don't think I could play the game just because the guy is so rude and obnoxious, but I might still yet.
More news to come as it happens! :P
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