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Death Threats, Harassment and Over-Reacting (Read: The Internet)

So Mass Effect 3 is finally out. Actual game quality aside, I'm only writing this as a quick follow-up to my last blog entry.

I have spent 10+ hours with the game already and I want to tell you my experience with the Prothean character. Very early on you're given a mission to go back to Eden Prime. At first I didn't clue in but once you get there and see that fat Prothean stasis pod; it all becomes clear.

This mission played out much like any other from a bioware game. You do a cool, specific mission tailored to that potential squadmate and...well that's about it. Afterwards he acts just like every other squad member. It's just he's not very important to anything. He has very little dialogue outside of the mission and doesn't add anything that your other squadmates wouldn't. Plus, I've only met one person who actually acknowledges that he's a living, breathing Prothean. And it was just a passing remark.

Everyone assumed that this character would play an important role because he's a Prothean. Well I'm here to tell you that his role is far less substantial when compared to someone like Liara. Not to mention his powers are pretty useless in the grand scheme of things. Maybe it's because of my play style, but I like to have squad mates with abilities that rip through shields and barriers. So normally I role with Liara and...well I don't tell you who. But let it be known that this squadmate comes out of no where and is substantially cooler than the prothean. And for more useful as well. She has similar moves as Miranda from ME2 and is extremely flexible.

Now we come to the point where all you internet warriors are going to feel ashamed. Some people were so angry about this minor character that they attacked a bioware employee with death threats. They gave out her personal information and generally harassed the crap out of her.

Obviously a bunch of nerds probably aren't going to follow through with death threats, but that's not the point. The issue is that you people felt like you knew Bioware's game better than they did and decided to make life miserable for this one employee who only told the truth. This kind of behaviour is sick and should not be tolerated. It was very reassuring to know that bioware immediately created a zero tolerance policy for the harassment of their employees and banned a lot of users.

Internet mob mentality is a dangerous thing and can be sparked by even the smallest of grievances. Maybe next time you all won't assume you know better, Maybe you'll just wait and see exactly what it is you're so vehemently against before acting like a bunch of ignorant a-holes.