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Killzone 2 First Impressions

Well I finally get to use the wysiwyg editor as a reward for getting to level three. Yay me!

So, like I mentioned to Kevin-V, I had not played Killzone 2, and after watching the footage he posted up on his blog I decided to try it. I really liked it, the graphics are they should be for the budget they had. (I think it was something along the lines of $40mil) I started a new campaign on medium and got noticed right away that it played much like CoD 4, the aiming was tight and bullet animations were nothing too amazing. The audio is niiice, everything doesn't sound too unrealistic like some games. I didn't play for too long (completed three chapters), I was too busy replaying the inFAMOUS demo over and over. The game is solid...I'm just still waiting for the plot to thicken and I'd like to see some character development.

In other news I've decided that I need less gaming and more sexy. I have to impress the boys ;) I've been reading health articles all day to get some inspiration and ideas of how to be a bit healthier. I'd like to lose 15 pounds as of right now.