The 360 is the best system to get no question.But,It dont have rubber pads to protect disk scratch if you have the system upright.Dont ever stand the system up if you have a game in it because if you knock it over your disk is gone PERIOD.I been through 2 disks when the system came out.But I STILL HAVE THE SAME SYSTEM WHEN THEY CAME OUT A COUPLE YEARS AGO.Not saying they dont have problems but,Itake care of mine very well i have a eye cleaning disk i use once a week and thats why mine lasts so long i guess and i have after market fans with cooling control and a intercooler.Thats besides the point the 360s online features is unmatchable,The genres of games is unmatchable and the games only for the 360 like halo,Forza and a bunch others,the only games that Playstation has now is socom,And metal gear solid. And those arnt out yet.
Trey504's forum posts
I like all the turtles its hard to pick? So i just picked leo cuz hes the leader.
I just got off the phone with microsoft, and am boxing up unit three to send in for my fourth repaired 360. First unit, serial #307424460206, the drive could not read the 360 game disc, but could play cd's and DVD's. The error message was to put that 360 game disc in a 360 console which it was, go figure. I sent unit one in for repair and got unit two, serial # 007361461407. Unit two had a problem with the old frozen screen situation that the 1% around the world are having, dog-gone-it. Well microsoft said that unit two needed to be repaired, just send it to us and we will solve the problem at my shipping cost. No problem, went to UPS and $10.00 later my job was done. Two days later I recieved a box from UPS to send unit two to microsoft with all of the trimmings, whip cream, nuts, and a cherry to take advantage of there free shipping for there defected product which I was told that I had to pay shipping for round two. Ha Ha, a day later I recieved unit three serial #417211560705, booted it up ask to find profile and said they had an update for me, cool. I said naturlly give it to me, guess what EEEEEEEEEEEEE 7777777777777777777777 1111111111111111111111 error. So microsoft is not that bad, I was able to ship unit three in unit two's box, I am glad microsoft is thinking ahead. Now I am waiting for unit four, boy I can't wait for that babe. I know some of you guys are on round two and round three, do we have any round fivers or greater out there. If you are a round fiver or greater you are a better man tham I am. When I get unit four I will give you guys that serial # I am sure of it. That will make me a round fiver, and I will be looking for round sixers. By the way, I was told by the manager I spoke he was going to try and get me a third free repair (unit four)on my xbox. I am sorry guys I did loose it at that point, I have a broken phone and a broken xbox, life is grand. I hope all of you are getting as good of service as I am with the fine products that microsoft is producing. It would not be that bad if they would just use a little lube, anything, burnt motor oil, Crisco, anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This sounds like a class action lawsuit, anyone game to take on microsoft. I would like to have the time to start a website something like Carfax for gaming consoles, with console serial numbers from all the world to see if they got a one of my several unit. When PS3 comes out I will have about $500.00 worth of games for sale, and two that got wipe out by that great drive thet put in the 360's that eats disc. By the way i will sell those cheep, free shipping is the cost. Please reply.
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