Killzone lacks a proper aiming mechanic, has no co-op campaign, has no split-screen multi, has no proper party system to join matches with friends, and you can't even guarantee to be on the same side as your friends. With all that said, am I the only one who sees the review scores it has received as unusually inflated (I still smell an industry wide conspiracy from this site to G4TV to Game Informer).
When one does not study history and instead acts blindly, one can come across as being arrogant. Guerilla Games have done a disservice to themselves and us gamers by not including those things which are basic to shooters now-a-days, and improving on said things. To completely omit such things is arrogant or maybe even lazy. Perhaps the lack of said things was financially motivated, since Sony is obviously suffering. But the lack of proper aiming gives me nightmares, and there really isnt any excuse for it---I gather that too many fanboys were playing the beta because enough of us have written longwinded articles on the subject venting our frustrations and disbelief. I wont stop writing on the subject until it's fixed- Here's hoping my writings are not in vain...
This year/(Q4 last year)has seen the two most hyped titles I can remember fall into the most disappointing game category---guess which games I am referring to...yeah it's Gears 2 and Killzone 2. It's ironic that we are always reading reviews comparing the two and which is greater. I would like to write a review about which was a bigger disappointment. Right now I say gears was, and I believe Epic Games to be the most elitist arrogant developer. Surely we can remember all their talk of "Bigger, Badder, and more Badass," but the truth is they swindled us all and did not deliver on a lot of promises.
So how is it that we gamers are being so cleverly duped---the key is marketing. We are being brainwashed into believeing such games are going to be so great that even after we buy them and they fall exceedingly short, we fail to admit it to ourselves and thus fall into denial. Who wants to belive that something they anticipated for months and preorderd could be so disappointing. It's like protecting your investment by not admitting you have been betrayed. I worked at gamestop throughout the holidays so I know how strong marketing for games/pre-sales has become, if half this time and money was spent making flawless games with all the aforementioned modes/options/mechanincs I wouldn'y be writing this now.
If you build it they will come;if you make perfect games they will sell themselves and brainwashing-marketing would not be necessary.
If Guerilla and Epic made a baby I wouldname him dubyah
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